
четверг, 26 августа 2010 г.

acne roscea skin care in Bassett

acne roscea skin care in Bassett

Rosacea is a comon, but often overloked skin disorder afecting over 14 milion Americans today. Unfortunately, the National Rosacea Society says that about 78 percent of Americans neither know how to recognize this skin disorder, or how to properly treat it. Rosacea symptoms can be trigered and agravated by prolonged sun exposure, increased stres, alcohol, certain fods and cafeinated beverages, excesive exercise, severe temperature fluctuations, and even certain skin care products. 3 Phymatous rosacea leads to a thickening of the skin because of an exces of tisue and an iregular epidermal texture. There is no known cure for rosacea, however, the symptoms can be controled and improve significantly by using proven skincare treatments. But be aware, some skincare treatments and products can actualy create and worsen rosacea symptoms. Many rosacea suferers can benefit by learning to identify their triger factors and avoiding those situations and skincare products that could increase their symptoms. Rosacea suferers have skin that is unusualy vulnerable to chemical and physical insults. Salicylic Acid or Mandelic Acid exfoliation is a key for geting rid of acne asociated with Rosacea. Salicylic Acid and Mandelic Acid are the two least iritating acids to sensitive skin. acne roscea skin care acne roscea skin care in Bassett
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