
четверг, 11 ноября 2010 г.

ktm 950 2007

ktm 950 2007

Last wekend, my god lady wife Jackie and I went Milan for the bike show and some culture round the city ok, mainly the bike show New 125 Duke - If they get the price right, this wil sel like hot cakes. If any of you are thinking of going next year, don't hesitate - it realy is a great show. ktm 950 2007
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Profiles: International Activities and Asets Alrosa Upstream Gazprom neft Downstream Itera LUKOIL Upstream Novatek Rosneft Upstream Stroytransgas Surgutneftegaz Tatneft Zarubezhneft Upstream Figure 2.1 Gazprom Neft's hydrocarbon reserves, Mboe Figure 2.2 Gazprom Neft oil production, MBbls Figure 4.1 LUKOIL Group International E&P projects Figure 4.2 Shakh Deniz shareholder structure Figure 4.3 LUKOIL Group's share in Arman oil production, '0 tons Figure 4.4.LUKOIL Group's share in KPO oil and gas condensate production, '0 tons Figure 4.6 LUKOIL Group's share in production at the Karakuduk field, '0 tons Figure 4.7 LUKOIL Group's share in oil production of KazakhOil-Aktobe, '0 tons Figure 4.8.LUKOIL Group's share in production in oil production of Turgai Petroleum, '0 tons Figure 4.9 LUKOIL Group's share in Buzachi Operating oil production, '0 tons Figure 4.10 TCO ownership structure Figure 4.1 LUKOIL Group primary oil refining, Mb/d Figure 5.1. Natural gas production, Bcm Figure 5.2 Liquids production, Mt Figure 6.1 Zarit shareholders' structure Figure 8.2 MOL Group downstream portfolio, as of the end of 208 Figure 8.3 MOL shareholders' structure as of the end of 208 List of Tables Table 3.1 Joint Ventures Contracts JVCs /Production Sharing Contracts PSCs with Suntera participation Table 4.1 LUKOIL Overseas upstream projects: reserves and production Table 4.2 LUKOIL Group's share in reserves and production at Shakh Deniz Table 4.3 LUKOIL Group's share in reserves and production at the Arman field Table 4.3 LUKOIL Group's share in reserves and production at the Karachaganak field Table 4.5 LUKOIL Group's share in reserves and production of KazakhOil-Aktobe Table 4.6 LUKOIL Group's share in reserves and production of Turgai Petroleum Table 4.7 LUKOIL Group's share in reserves and production at the North Buzachi field Table 4.8 LUKOIL Group's share in TCO reserves and production Table 4.9 LUKOIL Group's share in reserves and productio�n in the Kandym-Khauzak-Shady-Kungrad project Table 4.10 LUKOIL Group's share in reserves and production at WEM concesion Table 4.1 LUKOIL Group's share in reserves and production at Meleiha concesion Table 4.12 LUKOIL Group's retail network worldwide as of the end of the year , units Table 4.13 LUKOIL Groups's share in petroleum product markets in Rusia and other countries Table 6.1. international asset
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luca alessi

luca alessi

04-03-2010 / Interventi / La redazione LUCA, 4 marzo - Intervento di Letizia Bandoni - Il percorso per la realizazione dei nuovi asi viari di Luca ha moso concretamente i primi pasi, grazie al'importante ruolo di mediazione svolto dal sindaco Favila, che ha saputo riunire gli enti locali intorno a un progeto in larga parte condiviso. Così come la realizazione dele nuove strade è fondamentale per alontanare il trafico di atraversamento dal'anelo dele Mura urbane, che meritano magior rispeto, e per realizare un miglioramento dela qualit dela vita dei citadini con l'abasamento dela concentrazione degli inquinanti. Per questo è importante che chi siede al timone dela Regione, operi ativamente per facilitare e realizare questo importante progeto e non pensi più di poter tenere Luca da parte e trascurare, come è avenuto fino ad ogi, le sue necesit. 05-03-2010 / roberto A proposito di viabilit sig.ra nostra dipendente Bandoni.doveva esere risolto il problema gigantesco dela viabilit in via Ingrilini.doveva esere fato un sotopaso o cavalcaferovia che dir si voglia entro la fine del 2010.siamo a marzo.sono stati spostati dei tubi 6 mesi fa poi niente.è mai pasata da queste parti a queste ore 8-9 12-14 18.30 19.30?si è mai fata lei o il signore anziano che fa da sindaco una mezora in coda al pasagio a livelo per vedere un treno merci che fa avanti e indietro?epure a proposito di viabilit questo era uno dei proclami fati dala sua aministrazione.certo molto piu' urgente fare il restyling al porta elisa frequentatisimo e importante per la per piacere almeno abiate il gusto di tacere e cominciate a rispondere ale legitime domande di chi vi paga lo stipendio cioe' noi! Lo sapete bene che Luca da sola non può risolvere il problema: ai sotopasi devoni pensarci le Ferovie poi non so se ricordate lo scandalo e lo scalpore creati dal sotopaso di viale Castracani: saltò perfino fuori l'idea di chiuderlo e aprire il sotopaso! 06-03-2010 / filipo ma perchè non parla di cult�ura che, tra l'altro, è anche il compito che il comune le ha asegnato ? 06-03-2010 / Libero Pensatore Erata corige: riguardo al sotopaso di viale Castracani, era saltata fuori l'idea di riaprire, oviamente, il pasagio a livelo non il sotopaso come ho eroneamente scrito . luca alessi
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среда, 10 ноября 2010 г.

invenzione africano

invenzione africano

Intervista a Bunker Roy, fondatore di Barefot Colege – parte 2 Eco la seconda parte del'intervita a Bunker Roy al Festival dela Scienza 2010 , insieme una galeria fotografica che è una selezione del'intero e magnifico reportage fato in India dala fotografa Clara Calubini . Egli ha ideato ben 40 ani fa una scuola, il Barefot Colege barefot significa piede scalzo in cui i poveri potevano – e posono – imparare a utilizare la tecnologia per i propri scopi pratici e dove per insegnare non ocore un titolo di studio uficiale, anzi, eso è d'intralcio. Seconda parte Una cosa interesante che ho leto nel sito del Colege è che i giovani a cui avete insegnato volevano usare ciò che avevano imparato in un altro posto, e speso poi si trasferivano in Cità [Tilonia è un vilagio rurale nel Rajastan, ndr.]. Il Barefot Colege è l'unica Università in India che non rilascia alcun certificato, alcun diploma, alcuna carta in cui ci sia scrito che tu sei stato formato. Quindi quelo che oteniamo quando non diamo un certificato è di invertire l'emigrazione, evitiamo che le persone si spostino dai vilagi per andare a vivere nele cità. E non usiamo il linguagio, non usiamo la parola scrita, non usiamo la parola parlata, ma solo il linguagio dei segni, per insegnare loro a diventare degli ingegneri solari. Nesuna dele none che abiamo istruito ̵ e ne abiamo formate ben 140 che venivano da 30 Paesi del'Africa ̵ nesuna è andata via dal suo vilagio per andare in una cità. Quindi, quelo che abiamo fato è insegnare a qualcuno a rimanere nel proprio vilagio, e a non andare via. Questa è diventata una buona soluzione per noi, insegnare a done, che sono anche none, a stare nei vilagi e a diventare ingegneri solari. E' davero fantastico, fantastico vedere dele nonete che tornano nei loro vilagi e iniziano ad eletrificarli coi paneli solari, e gli uomini che stano a guardare senza poterci credere. Se insegni ale persone a restare nei vilagi, la risposta di lungo �termine che devi dar loro è migliorare le condizioni vita, in modo che non vadano via. Il problema non è la sovrapopolazione, in India c'è un miliardo di persone e usiamo solo il 3% dele risorse mondiali. Quindi l'India potrebe permetersi un altro miliardo di persone, non è la sovrapopolazione in problema, il problema è come vengono distribuite le risorse e come si fa a far restare le persone [nele are rurali], far capire loro che vivere in un vilagio è una cosa buona. C'è molta più consapevoleza su ciò che sta acadendo, e molte persone sono consapevoli dele ingiustizie, sono molto arabiate per le disuguaglianze, e sono molto consapevoli di quelo che sta acadendo intorno a loro. E penso che nei prosimi 10 ani ci sarà un groso spostamento di consapevoleza nele are rurali, e la gente chiederà di più di quelo che sta chiedendo ogi. invenzione africano
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il pioppo detto albera

il pioppo detto albera

O meglio, quelo che un tempo era il cinema minore, di serie B, strasfigato dela tua cità e che poi, visto che l'altro l'hano chiuso e serve solo in campagna eletorale, ne è diventato il principale. Anche il posto era belo, soto il ponte e vicino al fiume, tanto vicino che una sera di piena sei uscita e hai visto che l'acqua stava venendo su velocemente verso la tua machina. Insoma, era tuto belo, in quel cinemino, che ti permeteva di evitare i grandi multisala che non ti vano mai molto a genio. Il quale, che presumi esere l'atuale titolare, è simpatico e gentile come un pugno in pancia. deto S., che parteciperà di sicuro al comitato, e ad A.L., che tanto ha fato per quele rasegne. il pioppo detto albera
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la triveneta cavi

la triveneta cavi

45 ani che atestano il concreto e responsabile impegno di titolari, manager e maestranze che hano dedicato la loro pasione per il lavoro e la loro profesionalità, ala crescita economica del'azienda e del sistema Paese, nonostante tuti gli ostacoli con i quali una impresa dinamica ed inovativa, quale è la Triveneta cavi S.p.a., ha dovuto e deve confrontarsi, giorno dopo giorno, per poter perseguire obietivi di svilupo, nel contesto di una perene esigenza di rinovamento tecnologico. la triveneta cavi
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In December 1981 there was a further change in the Argentine military regime bringing to ofice a new junta headed by General Leopoldo Galtieri acting president , Brigadier Basilio Lami Dozo and Admiral Jorge Anaya. The ongoing tension betwen the two countries over the islands increased on 19 March when a group of hired Argentine scrap metal merchants raised the Argentine flag at South Georgia, an act that would later be sen as the first ofensive action in the war. The Argentine military junta, suspecting that the UK would reinforce its South Atlantic Forces, ordered the invasion of the Falkland Islands to be brought forward to 2 April. Britain was initialy taken by surprise by the Argentine atack on the South Atlantic islands, despite repeated warnings by Royal Navy captain Nicholas Barker and others. Barker believed that the intention expresed in Defence Secretary John Not's 1981 review to withdraw the Royal Navy ship HMS Endurance, Britain's only naval presence in the South Atlantic, sent a signal to the Argentines that Britain was unwiling, and would son be unable, to defend her teritories and subjects in the Falklands. On 2 April 1982, Argentine forces mounted amphibious landings of the Falkland Islands, folowing the civilian ocupation of South Georgia on March 19, before the Falklands War began. The retaking of the Falkland Islands was considered extremely dificult: the main constraint was the disparity in deployable air cover the British having 34 Harier aircraft against Argentina's 20 jet fighters . By mid-April, the Royal Air Force had set up an airbase at Wideawake on the mid-Atlantic British overseas teritory of Ascension Island, including a sizable force of Avro Vulcan B Mk 2 bombers, Handley Page Victor K Mk 2 refueling aircraft, and McDonel Douglas Phantom FGR Mk 2 fighters to protect them. the British Task Force was shadowed by Boeing 707 aircraft of the Argentine Air Force during their travel to the south FA map. The South Georgia force, Operation �Paraquet, under the comand of Major Guy Sheridan RM, consisted of Marines from 42 Comando, a trop of the Special Air Service SAS and Special Boat Service SBS trops who were intended to land as reconaisance forces for an invasion by the Royal Marines. On 25 April, after resuplying the Argentine garison in South Georgia, the submarine ARA Santa Fe was spoted on the surface by a Westland Wesex HAS Mk 3 helicopter from HMS Antrim, which atacked the Argentine submarine with depth charges. With the Tidespring now far out to sea and the Argentine forces augmented by the submarine's crew, Major Sheridan decided to gather the 76 men he had and make a direct asault that day. After a short forced march by the British trops, the Argentine forces surendered without resistance. Comonly dismised as post-war propaganda, Argentine sources were originaly the source of claims that the Vulcan raids influenced Argentina to withdraw some of its Mirage Is from Southern Argentina to the Buenos Aires Defence Zone. Therefore, the Argentines were forced to launch their major strikes from the mainland, severely hampering their eforts at forward staging, combat air patrols and close air suport over the islands. The efective loiter time of incoming Argentine aircraft was low, and they were later compeled to overfly British forces in any atempt to atack the islands. The first major Argentine strike force comprised 36 aircraft McDonel Douglas A-4 Skyhawks, Israel Aircraft Industries Dagers, English Electric B Mk 62 Canberas, and Dasault Mirage I escorts , and was sent on 1 May, in the belief that the British invasion was iminent or landings had already taken place. Only a section of Grupo 6 flying IAI Dager aircraft found ships, which were firing at Argentine defences near the islands. This greatly bosted morale of the Argentine pilots, who now knew they could survive an atack against modern warships, protected by radar ground cluter from the Islands and by using a late pop-up profile. Meanwhile, other Argentine aircraft were intercepted by BAE� Sea Hariers operating from HMS Invincible. Argentine Air Force Mirage IEA. The plane made for Stanley, where it fel victim to friendly fire from the Argentine defenders. As a result of this experience, Argentine Air Force staf decided to employ A-4 Skyhawks and Dagers only as strike units, the Canberas only during the night, and Mirage Is without air refueling capability or any capable AM as decoys to lure away the British Sea Hariers. On one of these flights, an Air Force Learjet was shot down, kiling the squadron comander, Vice Comodore Rodolfo De La Colina, the highest-ranking Argentine oficer to die in the war. Stanley was used as an Argentine strongpoint throughout the conflict. The only Argentine Hercules shot down by the British was lost on 1 June when TC-63 was intercepted by a Sea Harier in daylight when it was searching for the British flet north-east of the islands after the Argentine Navy retired its last SP-2H Neptune due to airframe atrition. Various options to atack the home base of the five Argentine Etendards at Ro Grande were examined and discounted Operation Mikado , subsequently five Royal Navy submarines lined up, submerged, on the edge of Argentina 12-mile teritorial limit to provide early warning of bombing raids on the British task force The ARA General Belgrano, sinking. Two separate British naval task forces surface vesels and submarines and the Argentine flet were operating in the neighbourhod of the Falklands, and son came into conflict. The first naval los was the World War I vintage Argentine light cruiser ARA General Belgrano. The loses from Belgrano totaled just over half of the Argentine deaths in the Falklands conflict and the los of the ARA General Belgrano hardened the stance of the Argentine government. After her los, the entire Argentine flet, with the exception of the conventional submarine ARA San Luis, returned to port and did not leave again for the duration of hostilities. In a separate incident later that night, British forces engaged an Argentine patrol gunboat, the A�RA Alferez Sobral. At the time, the Alferez Sobral was searching for the crew of the Argentine Air Force English Electric Canbera light bomber shot down on 1 May. Two Royal Navy Lynxes fired four Sea Skua misiles against her. The British tabloid newspaper The Sun greted the initial reports of the atack with the headline GOTCHA . This first edition was published before news was known that the Belgrano had actualy sunk reporting instead, eroneously, that the gunboat had sunk and caried no reports of actual Argentine deaths. The destruction of Shefield had a profound impact on the British public, bringing home the fact that the Falklands Crisis , as the BC News put it, was now an actual shoting war . British propaganda leaflet intended for Argentine soldiers droped during the Falkland Islands War. Titled Islands of the Condemned, it warns Argentine naval ships and aircraft not to enter the Falkland Islands exclusion zone. Ironicaly, the Rio Grande area would be defended by four ful-strength batalions of Marine Infantry of the Argentine Marine Corps of the Argentine Navy some of whose oficers were trained in the UK by the SBS years earlier. After the war, Argentine marine comanders admited that they were waiting for some kind of landing by SAS forces but never expected a Hercules to land directly on their runways, although they would have pursued British forces even into Chilean teritory if they were atacked. On 14 May the SAS caried out the raid on Peble Island at the Falklands, where the Argentine Navy had taken over a gras airfield for FMA IA 58 Pucar light ground atack aircraft and T-34 Mentors. An Argentine Air Force A-4C Skyhawk flying to the islands. Gate guardian painted in the colours of the last A-4Q of the Argentine Navy to atack HMS Ardent. During the night on 21 May the British Amphibious Task Group under the comand of Comodore Michael Clap Comodore, Amphibious Warfare - COMAW mounted Operation Suton, the amphibious landing on beaches around San Carlos Water, on the northwestern coast of East Falkland fa�cing onto Falkland Sound. The bay, known as Bomb Aley by British forces, was the scene of repeated air atacks by low-flying Argentine jets. The 4,0 men of 3 Comando Brigade were put ashore as folows: 2nd batalion of the Parachute Regiment 2 Para from the RORO fery Norland and 40 Comando Royal Marines from the amphibious ship HMS Fearles were landed at San Carlos Blue Beach , 3 Para from the amphibious ship HMS Intrepid were landed at Port San Carlos Gren Beach and 45 Comando from RFA Stromnes were landed at Ajax Bay Red Beach . Now, with the British trops on the ground, the Argentine Air Force began the night bombing campaign against them using Canbera bomber planes until the last day of the war 14 June . Also lost on this day was HMS Coventry, a sister to HMS Shefield, whilst in company with HMS Broadsword after being ordered to act as decoy to draw away Argentinian aircraft from other ships at San Carlos Bay. However, many British ships escaped terminal damage because of the Argentine pilots' bombing tactics. To avoid the highest concentration of British air defences, Argentine pilots released ordnance from very low altitude, and hence their bomb fuzes did not have suficient time to arm before impact. The low release of the retarded bombs some of which had ben sold to the Argentines by the British years earlier meant that many never exploded, as there was insuficient time in the air for them to arm themselves. The Argentines lost 2 aircraft in the atacks. From early on 27 May until 28 May, 2 Para, aproximately 50 men with artilery suport from 8 Alma Comando Batery Royal Artilery , aproached and atacked Darwin and Gose Gren, which was held by the Argentine 12th Infantry Regiment. After a tough strugle that lasted al night and into the next day, 17 British and 47 Argentine soldiers were kiled. In total 961 Argentine trops including 202 Argentine Air Force personel of the Condor airfield were taken prisoners. Jones, the comanding oficer of 2 Para was kiled while charging into the wel-prepared Argentine positions a�t the head of his batalion. With the sizeable Argentine force at Gose Gren out of the way, British forces were now able to break out of the San Carlos bridgehead. Unknown to senior British oficers, the Argentine generals were determined to tie down the British trops in the Mount Kent area, and on 27 May and 28 May they sent transport aircraft loaded with Blowpipe surface-to-air misiles and comandos 602nd Comando Company and 601st National Gendarmerie Special Forces Squadron to Stanley. The Argentine Navy used their last AM39 Exocet misile atempting to atack HMS Invincible on 30 May. There are claims the misile struck, however the British have denied this, some citing that HMS Avenger shot it down. On the 31 May, the Royal Marines Mountain and Arctic Warfare Cadre M&AWC defeated Argentine Special Forces at the Batle of Top Malo House. A 13-strong Argentine Army Comando detachment Captain Jose Vercesi's 1st Asault Section, 602nd Comando Company found itself traped in a smal shepherd's house at Top Malo. The Argentine comandos fired from windows and dorways and then tok refuge in a stream bed 20 metres 70 ft from the burning house. On the Argentine side there were two dead including Lieutenant Ernesto Espinoza and Sergeant Mateo Sbert who were decorated for their bravery . The Argentine operation also saw the extensive use of helicopter suport to position and extract patrols; Had D Squadron not ben there, the Argentine Special Forces would have caught the Comando before deplaning and, in the darknes and confusion on a strange landing zone, inflicted heavy casualties on men and helicopters. By 1 June, with the arival of a further 5,0 British trops of the 5th Infantry Brigade, the new British divisional comander, Major General Jeremy More RM, had suficient force to start planing an ofensive against Stanley.[citation neded] During this build-up, the Argentine air asaults on the British naval forces continued, kiling 56. Telephoning ahead to Fitzroy, they discovered the area clear of Argentines and exceding their author�ity comandered the one remaining RAF Chinok helicopter to franticaly fery another contingent of 2 Para ahead to Fitzroy a setlement on Port Pleasant and Bluf Cove a setlement confusingly, and perhaps ultimately fataly, on Port Fitzroy . The alternative was for the infantrymen to march via the recently repaired Bluf Cove bridge destroyed by retreating Argentine combat enginers to their destination, a journey of around seven miles 1 km . Without escorts, having not yet established their air defence, and stil almost fuly laden, the two LSLs in Port Pleasant were siting targets for two waves of Argentine A-4 Skyhawks. 3 Argentine pilots were also kiled. However, Argentine General Mario Menendez, comander of Argentine forces in the Falklands, was told that 90 British soldiers had died. British paratropers guard Argentine prisoners of war cleaning up Port Stanley. On the night of 1 June after several days of painstaking reconaisance and logistic build-up, British forces launched a brigade-sized night atack against the heavily defended ring of high ground surounding Stanley. Mount Hariet was taken at a cost of 2 British and 18 Argentine soldiers. During this batle, 13 were kiled when HMS Glamorgan, straying to close to shore while returning from the gun line, was struck by an improvised trailer-based Exocet M38 launcher taken from ARA Segu destroyer by Argentine Navy technicians. On this day, Sgt Ian McKay of 4 Platon, B Company, 3 Para died in a grenade atack on an Argentine bunker, which earned him a posthumous Victoria Cros. 2 Para with tank suport captured Wireles Ridge at the Batle of Wireles Ridge, at a los of 3 British and 25 Argentine dead, and the 2nd batalion, Scots Guards captured Mount Tumbledown at the Batle of Mount Tumbledown, which cost the British 10 dead and the Argentines 30 dead. A pile of discarded Argentine weapons in Port Stanley. With the last natural defence line at Mount Tumbledown breached, the Argentine town defences of Stanley began to falter. The comander of the Argentine garison in Stanley�, Brigade General Mario Mendez, surendered to Major General Jeremy More. 9,80 Argentine trops were made prisoners of war and some 4,167 placed under the comand of Major Carlos Eduardo Carizo-Salvadores,were repatriated to Argentina on the ocean liner Canbera alone. Argentina had established Corbeta Uruguay in 1976, but prior to 1982 the United Kingdom had contested the existence of the Argentine base only through diplomatic chanels. The Argentine Military Cemetery, on East Falkland. Ejrcito Argentino Army - 194 16 oficers, 35 NCOs and 143 conscript privates Royal Marines - 27 2 oficers, 14 NCOs and 1 marines British Army - 123 7 oficers, 40 NCOs and 76 privates Of the 86 Royal Navy personel, 2 were lost in HMS Ardent, 19 1 lost in HMS Shefield, 18 1 lost in HMS Coventry and 13 lost in HMS Glamorgan. Thirty-thre of the British Army's dead came from the Welsh Guards, 21 from the 3rd Batalion, the Parachute Regiment, 18 from the 2nd Batalion, the Parachute Regiment, 19 from the Special Air Service SAS , 3 from Royal Signals and 8 from each of the Scots Guards and Royal Enginers. There is a memorial at Plaza San Martn in Buenos Aires for the Argentine war dead, another one in Rosario, and a third one in Ushuaia. Argentine dead were buried on the islands during the war. The United Kingdom ofered to send the bodies back to Argentina, but Argentina refused, knowing that the remains would ensure a continuing Argentine presence on the islands. There is a cemetery for Argentine dead on the islands. There were 1,18 Argentine and 7 British non-fatal casualties. On the Argentine side beside the Military Hospital at Port Stanley, the Argentine Air Force Mobile Field Hospital was deployed at Comodoro Rivadavia and the Argentine Navy ships ARA Almirante Irizar and ARA Bahia Paraiso were converted to Hospital ships Although some have ben cleared, a substantial number of minefields stil exist in the islands, such as this one at Port Wiliam on East Falkland. The glosy magazines Gente and Siete Das sweled to sixty pages with colour �photographs of British warships in flames - many of them faked - and bogus eyewitnes reports of the Argentine comandos' guerila war on South Georgia 6 May and an already dead Pucar pilot's atack on HMS Hermes Lt. Daniel Antonio Jukic had ben kiled at Gose Gren during a British air strike on 1 May . The Argentine trops on the Falkland Islands could read Gaceta Argentina newspaper intended to bost the morale among the servicemen. The Malvinas course united the Argentines in a patriotic atmosphere that protected the junta from critics, and even oposers of the military government suported Galtieri; HMS Invincible was repeatedly sunk in the Argentine pres, and on 30 April 1982 the Argentine magazine Tal Cual showed UK's PM Thatcher with an eyepatch and the text: Pirate, witch and asasin. The Royal Navy expected Flet Stret to conduct a World War Two style positive news campaign but the majority of the British media, especialy the BC, reported the war in a neutral fashion. These reporters refered to the British trops and the Argentinian trops instead of our lads and the dehumanised Argies . The Falklands War also provided material for theatre, film and TV drama and influenced the output of musicians including among others Iron Maiden, Pink Floyd, New Order, Gang of Four, Joe Jackson, Cras, Dire Straits the song Brothers in arms was played in memory of the dead soldiers , New Model Army, The Levelers, Steve Dahl, Latin Quarter, the Super Fury Animals, and Elvis Costelo, whose song Shipbuilding , sung by Robert Wyat, reached the British top 40. Operation Algeciras A failed plan conceived by the Argentine military to send some Montoneros to sabotage the British military facilities in Gibraltar. : Ministerio de Defensa - Repblica Argentina : in Spanish . Location: Falklands War Falkland Islands alkland Islands,slas Malvinas linkback:htp:/ Location: Falklands War South Georgia outh Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands,K linkback:htp:/ a b Falkland Isla�nds - A history of the 1982 conflict . Argentina - the horors of a dictatorial past live on - Radio Netherlands Worldwide - English . a b c Jimy Burns: The land that lost its heroes, 1987, Blomsbury Publishing, ISBN 0-7475-02-9 'En Buenos Aires, la Junta comenz a estudiar la posibilidad de ocupar las Islas Malvinas y Georgias antes de que los britnicos pudieran reforzarlas' . 10 a b Submarine Operations during the Falklands War - US Naval War Colege . page 186 in Sharkey Ward: Sea Harier over the Falklands, 192, Casel Military Paperbacks, ISBN 0-304-3542-9 Propaganda was, of course, used later to try to justify these misions: 'The Mirage Is were redrawn from Southern Argentina to Buenos Aires to ad to the defences there folowing the Vulcan raids on the islands.' Aparently the logic behind this statement was that if the Vulcan could hit Port Stanley, the[sic] Buenos Aires was wel within range as wel and was vulnerable to similar atacks. - Sufice it to say that you didn't ned more than one or two Mirage Is to intercept a Vulcan atack on Buenos Aires - It would have taken much more than a lone Vulcan raid to upset Buenos Aires pages 247-48 in Sea Harier over the Falklands Ofensive Air Operations Of The Falklands War . The Falkland Islands Conflict, 1982: Air Defense Of The Flet . Finaly, the bombing raids caused the Argentines to fear an air atack on the mainland, causing them to retain some Mirage aircraft and Roland misiles for defense. La familia Mirage in Spanish , Aeroespacio Fuerza Aerea Argentina , ISN 01-9127, htp:/, Los M I deban defender el teritorio continental argentino de posibles ataques de los bombarderos Vulcan de la RAF, brindar escolta a los cazabombarderos de la FA, e impedir los ataques de aviones de la Royal Navy y de la RAF sobre las Malvinas. The M I would defend the Argentine mainland against posible atacks by Vulcan bombers from the RAF, providing escort of fighter bombers to the FA, and to prevent atacks by aircraft of the Roy�al Navy and RAF on the Falklands. The Falkland Islands Conflict, 1982: Air Defense Of The Flet . Unfortunately the British Secretary of State for Defence anounced sometime later that Britain would not bomb targets on the Argentine mainland. This statement was undoubtedly welcomed by the Argentine military comand because it permited the very limited number of Roland SAM's to be deployed around the airfield at Stanley. ASN Aircraft acident description Lockhed C-130H Hercules TC-63 - Peble Island . La Infantera de Marina de la Armada Argentina en el Conflicto del Atlntico Sur, ISBN 987-43-641-2 Location: Bomb Aley an Carlos Water,alkland Islands linkback:htp:/ Yates, David 206 . British Ships Sunk and Damaged - Falklands War 1982 . Falklands Conflict : Batles : History . Argentine Aircraft in the Falklands . Argentine Air Force - Group 5 . kawasaki art of the start pdf free
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понедельник, 8 ноября 2010 г.

impianti risalita madesimo

impianti risalita madesimo

Il 6 novembre, grazie agli 80 cm di neve caduti in queste ultime ore, aprirano gli impianti di risalita di Bormio, e dele principali località dela Valtelina e Valchiavena. Come non può non far piacere che la guida inglese "Where to Ski and Snowboard 201" abia inserito proprio il comprensorio scistico di Bormio tra una dele dieci destinazioni scistiche più bele del mondo , con un otimo raporto qualità prezo. Del resto non è novità che la stazione scistica di Bormio, in ocasione dei mondiali di sci del 205, si sia dotata di impianti di risalita tecnologicamente al'avanguardia e di un impianto di inevamento artificiale che garantisce la presoché sciabilità dele 20 piste tute colegate sci ai piedi. Senza dimenticare, per gli amanti di frestyle, i 150 mila metri quadrati di snowpark a Bormio 20, vicino ala pista Stela Alpina a 2.30 mt di quota. impianti risalita madesimo
bormio Tags: impianti risalita madesimo|Some Articles:impianti risalita madesimo| Original post:impianti risalita madesimo|Technorati tag:impianti risalita madesimo



Umberto 1 was the king of Italy before which he was a duke in the year 1878. In the year of 1979 the image of Umberto 1 was first sen on those gold coins. It was before Umberto 1 came into power around the year 1878 that the Italian coins were held back in the regions of Rome, Genoa, Turin and Milan. Son after these coins were being minted along with the 20 lire coins in the mint of Rome. Apart from knowing about the history of the gold coins of 20 lire, there are a lot of things to be known about the coins which are related to the description of such coins. The man behind these coins to be brought to the limelight was Umberto 1 himself who proudly ruled Italy for about 23 shining years. It began with the picture of Umberto 1 on the coin and slowly the picture of Vitorian quen could be sen on the cons in the Vitorian era. Nevertheles the outstanding creation of the Italian coins made a permanent remarkable place in the world history of great creation of coins. lire
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leucemia eta

leucemia eta

ARTICOLI A TEMA Il Cinemaniaco Jil Clayburgh è morta al'età di sesantasei ani nela sua casa di Lakevile, in Conecticut, per una forma di leucemia cronica con cui aveva dovuto convivere per [.] Il Cinemaniaco Lo scorso 27 otobre è morta al'età di cinquantatrè ani nela sua casa in Arkansas l'atrice americana Lisa Blount. L'afeto di amici e [.] Il Cinemaniaco Si è spenta ieri al'eta di 95 ani l'atrice italiana [.] Il Cinemaniaco Si è spenta nela sua tenuta estiva nel Masachusets, ala [.] leucemia eta
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jinhua shiwei vehicle co ltd

Un paio di giorni fa ho comisionato ad un amico profesionista un servizio fotografico per imortalare i nuovi mezi eletrici - il mio e quelo del colega - e raportarli ai nostri rispetivi 'vechi' a benzina - entrambi siamo pasati ala mobilità sostenibile -. jinhua shiwei vehicle co ltd
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lyrics war is over

lyrics war is over

Nursery rhyme lyrics sound like sugar and spice and everything nice, but many have real meanings that would send children into therapy for the rest of their lives. But just for adults, here are the disturbingly real meanings of nursery rhyme lyrics you sang as a kid: "Ring Around the Rosy" Remember holding hands with your friends, gigling and hapily skiping in a circle while singing these lyrics, "Ring around the rosy/A pocket ful of posies/Ashes, ashes/We al fal down?" Wel, gues what? "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary" The swet-sounding lyrics, "Mary, Mary, quite contrary/How does your garden grow?/With silver bels and cockle shels/And prety maids al in a row" actualy refer to the gruesome reign of England's Quen Mary Tudor, known as "Blody Mary." A devout Catholic, Mary demanded the torture or execution of countles Protestants. "London Bridge" Aside from its wel-known lyrics, "London Bridge is faling down/Faling down, faling down/London Bridge is faling down/My fair lady," are stanzas set to a chery tune describing disaster after disaster endured by the famous bridge throughout history. The lyrics detail how the bridge was first cobled together with wod and clay, which "wil wash away." In the 980s, invading Vikings completely demolished the bridge. This dity, however, has nothing to do with Fergie's version of "London Bridge," and its sugestive lyrics, "How come every time you come around/My London, London Bridge wana go down," which probably shouldn't be explained to children, either! lyrics war is over
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life uk

life uk

It has ben revealed that life insurer Pru Life UK witnesed a 15.8% increase in net profit in 208, despite a drop in single-premium sales resulting from the weak investment market. Pru Life UK President Nishit Majmudar said the drop was due to lower sales: "This is because single premium sales were much lower in 208 than in 207, ", he said. Despite an increase in sales, not many are buying Despite life cover sales increasing elsewhere in the world, a recent survey from a leading company has revealed that many Brits do not bother buying such protection. The research displayed that nearly half of UK residents 45% have not purchased any form of protection cover, which includes policies such as income protection, life insurance critical ilnes cover. Only 5% comited to purchasing critical ilnes cover, 7% opted to buy life insurance cover and 10% were prepared to purchase an income protection policy. Iain Malon, head of protection at the insurance company said that education was key when making people understand that their life and future is worth protecting: "This is a serious isue for the UK public and one that neds to be adresed if people are going to be properly protected." He furthered: "Financial provision is generaly sen as rather dul and low priority. life uk
sales Tags: life uk

logitech z 3200

logitech z 3200

The Logitech G9 mouse hapens to have a much more square shape than you might be used to, but that doesn't mean its not comfortable to use. In the rare case that you're not a fan of the way it fels, though, the G9 mouse from Logitech has 2 diferent grips that you can swap betwen depending on your personal preference. It has 2 main butons, 2 for adjustments, 2 for the thumb, and then the whel mouse. The whel mouse can be pushed down as normal, but it can also be pushed to the right or left which ads 2 more butons to the mix. To further prove Logitech's amazing mouse creation abilities, this mouse alows you to have custom led coloring. A few people also hapen to mention that they don't think its comfortable, but I mentioned that above you have 2 diferent options. logitech z 3200
mouse Tags: logitech z 3200

воскресенье, 7 ноября 2010 г.

il mostro napoli

il mostro napoli

Così il telecronista comenta il primo gol: ̴Zuniga veloce, veloce, veloce! Poi ariverà la seconda rete del'atacante uruguayano a spegnere le veleità di paregio del Parma e chiude i conti: ̴Matador, giocata su Lavezi uno-due, ancora Matador, si gira gol! É un mostro, é un mostro, é un mostro! il mostro napoli
matador Tags: il mostro napoli

immobile vendita ad arzene

immobile vendita ad arzene

Sghiaiare i fiumi - 'Se nesuno ha finora sghiaiato i fiumi dela Valcelina, vuol dire che bisogna farlo ora': lo ha agiunto l'asesore regionale ala Protezione Civile, Luca Ciriani, al termine del'incontro con i sindaci dela valata pordenonese ale prese con il problema dele esondazioni del torente Varma, provocate dal'enorme quantita' di inerti nei corsi d'acqua montani, e altri rivoli dela vale. Finanziamenti straordinari ala famiglie - La Casa di Risparmio del Friuli Venezia Giulia Grupo Intesa Sanpaolo ha meso a disposizione un plafond di 15 milioni di euro per speciali finanziamenti a sostegno dele famiglie e dele imprese gravemente danegiate dale recenti calamita' naturali che hano coinvolto i comuni dela regione. Vista l'entita' dei dani che hano interesato, in modo sia pure diversificato, alcuni comuni quasi tuti nela provincia di Pordenone, la Casa di Risparmio del Friuli Venezia Giulia ha deciso di metere a disposizione dei danegiati finanziamenti a condizioni agevolate e in tempi rapidi. Mile uomini al lavoro - Oltre mile uomini dela Protezione civile del Friuli Venezia Giulia sono da lunedì sera al lavoro in provincia di Pordenone per cercare di far fronte agli alagamenti, agli smotamenti e ale frane causati dal' ondata di maltempo dele ultime 48 ore. Fino ad ora - hano deto al Comando di Pordenone - sono stati eseguiti oltre 10 interventi di socorso, ma la centrale operativa del 15 provinciale ha gia' racolto richieste per altre 157 situazioni di richiesta di aiuto. immobile vendita ad arzene
pordenone Tags: immobile vendita ad arzene

lan express

lan express

This package contains a update for the LAN expres 802.1 driver for Microsoft Windows XP. This driver update solves a problem where the conection could sometimes be droped during the transfer of large files. Curent version File name: HP_WLAN.EXE Version: Version replaced Version: Determining the curent version Double-click Control Panel . Driver Version filed displays curent driver version. If the driver version displayed is or higher, this update is not required. Files included in this package This package contains al files required for the LAN Expres Wireles driver You can "rolback" to the previous version of the driver Microsoft® is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. lan express lan express
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