
понедельник, 18 октября 2010 г.

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I governatori di Lombardia, Emilia Romagna, Piemonte, Veneto, più i presidenti dele province autonome di Trento e Bolzano, hano firmato l'ordinanza che, per la prima volta, blocherà la circolazione in quasi tuto il Nord Italia. Al di fuori di queste categorie, gli unici mezi autorizati a circolare sarano queli publici, queli dele forze del'ordine, dei portatori di handicap muniti del'aposito contrasegno, di chi svolge servizi urgenti di publica utilità e dei privati se in poseso di specifici permesi. Per la prima volta in Italia la lota al'inquinamento esce dai confini di una singola regione e tuto il nord si compata per far fronte al'inquinamento e cercare di combatere il ristagno dele polveri sotili Pm10 nel "catino" dela val Padana. lombardia blocco 2007 lombardia blocco 2007 in <
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Misura che, ativata mediante FidiToscana, fa parte di un più globale intervento per l'atuazione dela lege 16/209 sula citadinanza di genere, con l'obietivo di promuovere l'impresa dele done, ma anche di tutelare e valorizare meglio le done dentro le imprese. Tuto questo anche mediante la firma di alcuni specifici protocoli di intesa che sono stati anunciati questa matina dal vicepresidente Federico Geli, titolare dela delega ale pari oportunità nel governo regionale, in una conferenza stampa a cui ha partecipato anche la presidente di Confindustria Antonela Mansi. «I dati dimostrano una crescita quantitativa e qualitativa del' imprenditoria feminile nela nostra regione, anche in campi da cui la dona era tradizionalmente esclusa – ha sotolineato Geli – È una tendenza importante anche perché questo si traduce in un aporto di creatività e inovazione di cui abiamo bisogno. Nei prosimi giorni, ha tra l'altro anunciato Geli, sarà firmata un'intesa con Unioncamere per la qualificazione profesionale dele done, che prevede azioni di informazione e orientamento, formazione avanzata, particolarmente in fase di start up anche con azioni di "mentoring", cioè di acompagnamento di un'imprenditrice esordiente da parte di un'imprenditrice afermata , ma anche la creazione di una rete che consentirà di condividere informazioni sule oportunità di busines e il consolidamento dele atività di monitoragio tuto questo con risorse amontanti a 176 mila euro, 96 mila dele quali regionali . Nei prosimi giorni, tra l'altro, sarà firmato un protocolo con l'università di Pisa che per aviare un percorso di altra formazione per done e uomini responsabili dela gestione dele risorse umane in aziende publiche e private, finalizato a promuovere la valorizazione dele diferenze di genere in ambito lavorativo. imprenditoria femminile 215 92 imprenditoria femminile 215 92 in <
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вторник, 12 октября 2010 г.

musei di padova in Sepulveda

musei di padova in Sepulveda

Il 25 e il 26 setembre si celebrano le giornate europe del patrimonio, con l'apertura gratuita dei musei e dela mostra di Palazo Zuckerman, incontri, aprofondimenti: un invito per tuti a riscoprire il patrimonio artistico dela cità . Dale 15.0 sarano a disposizione di grandi e picoli i laboratori didatici di Impara il Museo che ripercorerano, con la consueta esperienza e originalità , le tecniche artistiche, i costumi, le tradizioni e la cultura al'epoca dei Veneti antichi, dei Romani e nel Medioevo. Le Giornate Europe del Patrimonio, ideate nel 191 dal Consiglio d'Europa, promuovono ogni ano, nel'ultimo fine setimana di setembre, l'apertura straordinaria al publico di monumenti e luoghi storici in tuta Europa, atraverso manifestazioni culturali ed eventi che animano e fano vivere i siti stesi. Per due giorni Palazo Zuckerman sarà aperto gratuitamente a quanti vorano riscoprire il patrimonio artistico dela cità, per conoscere le fonti dela nostra storia e identità , ocasione per trasmetere ai più giovani il senso dele proprie origini, come risultato di un incontro di civiltà diverse. Nele sale che ospitano le colezioni permanenti del Museo Botacin si potrano amirare monete provenienti da zeche europe, confrontate con nominali di zeche italiane e la splendida Copa di Norimberga, opera di oreficeria tedesca impreziosita da antiche monete romane. Al primo piano di Palazo Zuckerman sono esposte le racolte di Arti Aplicate e Decorative del Museo d'Arte Medioevale e Moderna . Tra gli oltre duemila ogeti dela colezione - vetri, intagli, ceramiche, argenti, avori, gioieli, tesili, mobilio - segnaliamo per l'ocasione ceramiche di manifatura olandese, tedesca e inglese, argenti austriaci e cechi, nonché gioieli di produzione parigina e londinese. musei di padova musei di padova in Sepulveda
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AT: The Blag Club, 2 Kensal Road, London, W10 · Faisal Barber - 238 High Stret, London near Wilesden Junction Tube : 020896314 · Hawkeye Records - 2 Craven Park Rd, London, Nw10 4AB : 0208961086 · Rough Track - 130 Talbot Road, London, W1 1JA : 0207298541 · Sounds 2 - Bank Building High Stret Harlesden, London Nw10 4LT: 020838040 · Bang 103.6 FM Studio - 2nd flor, 89-93 High stret Harlesden, London, NW10 4NX: 02089639560. live fm radio live fm radio in Oak park
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Music imbeds our daily life, weaving its beauty and emotion through our thoughts, activities, and memories. If you apreciate music for its artistry, not its popularity, and enjoy finding new artists with original ideas then you are in the right spot. We are an Indie Music content and information website that provides entertainment in the form of online music streaming to music listeners, and services to Indie music artists and record companies to post information as wel as musical content owned and/or created by them. Listeners may tune into the Upstream Radio player online and enjoy our Indie Music Radio . Discover new music and Indie music artists. If you are an Indie music artist, Post songs, shows, photos, blogs and more. Submit your music to Upstream Radio and get played on our radio station. Al artists wil be reviewed by USA4real A&R before receiving Upstream Radio play and their music wil be rated by our online indie comunity, fans, and A&R staf to insure the best indie music is played on our shows. live fm radio live fm radio in Vermont
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libro nero degli stati uniti d america in Arco station

Senza memoria la verità à menzogna, la giustizia vantagio per gli impuniti, la riparazione soltanto briciole. L'OFP nata come rete sociale per la lota contro la violenza familiare e la sotomisione dele done, per il dirito ala casa e a una ̴vita digna̵, à diventata punto di riferimento per tuta la comunità , anche atraverso l'istituzione dele ̴Case per le done̵. libro nero degli stati uniti d america in Arco station
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понедельник, 11 октября 2010 г.

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Whether for afternon tea with cupcakes in its cosy-cute library, or a tête-à -tête over Taitinger - from a selection of fiz from £10 a flute - in its semi-secret intimate basement bar, splashy boutique hotel Flemings is a Mayfair adres to know. With its seductively-lit, mirored overwrought interior in lurid cerise and jade, we're in 1950's kitschy pot-boiler teritory - the sort of film set you half expect Bete Davis to waft onto in a cloud of Sobranie smoke, wearing a beaded shantung silk number and an eye-patch and driping diamonds and vitriol. Canapes of mini fishcakes, pea and mint risoto bals, bresaola wraps andvegie options encourage lingering in a clandestine, subteranean speakeasy that's far removed from the West End hustle Up until the mid-1970s, Half Mon Stret was home to Mayfair's rent boys . london flemings mayfair hotel in East long beach

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Size:… Georgete White Floral/Red Leaf Print on Black - Silk Long Scarf 2 x 62 A long shoulder scarf highlighted by white and red floral print. Made of… Women's Silk Scarf - 68 x17 Chifon Brown Leopard Print - Silk Scarf 36 x 40 List: $24.95 Deal: $16.95 $8 of Lightest of its kind, this lovely leopard chifon scarf ofers one of most versatile styles for your outfit and for any season. Made of chifon silk, 10% silk,… Chifon/Satin Multicolored Buterfly Print on Black - Silk Long Scarf 2 x 70 List: $34.95 Deal: $25.95 $9 of A gorgeous and colorful giant buterfly print on black wil definitely make this long scarf liven up your casual or formal outfit, and for any special ocasion. Made of… Satin Solid Black Silk Bandana 21 x21 List: $15.95 Deal: $13.95 $2 of A solid black silk bandana wil make a nice ad-on to your casual or formal outfit, and a neat litle gift as wel. Ads a pop of texture and color to any outfit A stylish and… Habutai Silk Fashion Dyed/Crinkled Ombre Wine/Olive Long Scarf 32 x 70 A stylish wine to olive ombre silk wrap ofers you fashionable and versatile design with easy cary and care as you wish. Made of silk habutai,… More about Purple Bandana from Rebok, Skechers, New Balance and more - Plush, Stewart, Jorge, Dave, Anges and more &midot; myspace contact table generator myspace contact table generator in Los angeles (county seat)

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Question: Where can I find and how can i implement the colest MySpace contact butons and myspace custom contact tables for my profile? There are hundreds of custom made MySpace contact butons most of them quite simple, but some quite extravagant that you are able to use for people to interact with your MySpace profile ad, block and mesage you etc' . The instructions below wil explain how to find and insert these contact butons in your MySpace profile: 1. Navigate to a MySpace code generator web site with a large choice of MySpace contact butons . myspace contact table generator myspace contact table generator in Wagner

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A great way to raise money is with a Spring flower bulb fundraiser. This is usualy done as an order-taker sale from a brochure showing colorful pictures and descriptions of available flowers and plants. You can do a flower bulb fundraiser at any time of the year, but they work best in late Winter when people start thinking about their gardens and landscaping. Once you've picked your suplier, there are two ways to generate sales. One is the traditional dor-to-dor sales aproach and the other is hosting a spring gardening event. Sales tips For in person sales, folowing a sales script produces the best results. 1 - Lok the customer in the eye and smile as you extend your sales brochure while introducing yourself. Example: 'Hi, I'm Jane Jones with the Milbrok High Band and we're raising funds for new uniforms with these great flower bulbs.' 3 - Ask for their help and use the word 'because' because it's a subconscious psychological triger word. Example: 'I realy like the hyacinths because they smel so god.' Garden event tips Hosting a gardening event is a lot more work than seling to family, friends, and neighbors, but it ofers a lot more profit potential. Sel them yourself with a markup aded or have them staf a sales table at the event for a share of the revenue instead of a both fe. Ading displays of those particular flowers wil greatly increase sales. Sumary A flower bulb fundraiser is a great way to raise much neded funds for any group. You can do the traditional dor-to-dor sales aproach or you can turn it into an event. myspace contact table generator myspace contact table generator in South el monte

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Myspace layout pimper makes available key resources that alow you to design your page. Myspace layout pimper is the definitive online resource for layouts, graphics, codes, generators, tricks and tweaks that can be used in Myspace. With the Myspace pimper you can pimp your space on With Myspace layout pimper you can create magic on the pages aloted to you. You wil get pre made layout, contact tables, inovative graphic and much more under what is caled the Myspace layout pimper. The areas that you can make changes to are the MySpace HTML Code, MySpace Music Video Codes, MySpace HTML codes and various other things. There wil definitely be a question in your mind regarding the inculcation of the Myspace layout pimper in the site itself. Once you are loged in MySpace acount click on the buton labeled 'Edit My Profile'. Finaly, you right click and select your MySpace profile and then save it. As more and more users create their layout on MySpace, diferentiation asumes a lot of importance. This is why Myspace layout pimpers are fast gaining in the popularity charts. MySpace layout pimper no longer gives you tols for enhancing your space but it has slowly and surely emerged as a distinct necesity. So, if you want to be a unique identity on MySpace then use the MySpace layout pimper. myspace contact table generator in Wilmington

lio nicola in Covina

lio nicola in Covina

Zahlreich wie seit Jahren nicht waren die Mitglieder des TCO zur Jahreshauptversamlung im Vereinszimer der Sporthale erschienen. Als Schwerpunkthema stand die Zukunft des Vereinsheimes auf der Tagesordnung. Die Heren 1 schaften, nach wiederholten Anläufen, endlich den Aufstieg in die Bezirksoberliga, der höchsten Spielklase auf Bezirksebene. Aber auch den Heren 2 , den Juniorinen und den Junioren gelang der Aufstieg in die nächst höhere Spielklase. Für die Planung und Durchführung diverser interner Turniere z. Viertelescup, Combicup, Herenvergleich und Winterhalenturnier erhielten die Sportwarte Albrecht Stuber und Thomas Vogel Beifal von der Mitgliederversamlung. Die hervoragende Arbeit von Sven Schläger führt nicht nur zu guten Tabelenplätzen in alen Jugendkategorien sondern bildet eine ideale Basis für die nahtlose Integration von spielstarkem Nachwuchs in den Aktivenbereich. Aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht war die Beteiligung am Winzerfest der entscheidende Faktor für die positive finanziele Entwicklung des Vereins. Man mus nur mal reinschauen Schatzmeister Sascha Vogel konte über einen stolzen Gewin und der Rückzahlung sämtlicher Darlehen berichten. Mit einem finanzielen Polster kan der Verein so die zukünftigen Aufgaben entspant angehen. Nach dem Bericht der Kasenprüfer, die keinerlei Beanstandung bei der Kasenprüfung feststelen konten, wurde der Schatzmeister für seine hervoragende Arbeit von der Mitgliederversamlung entlastet. Sportwart Joachim Friz, Breitensportwart Albrecht Stuber und Thomas Vogel, Presewart Ulrich Kühfus und Schriftführerin Christa Stuber stelten sich zur Wiederwahl und wurden ohne Gegenstimen in ihren Ämtern bestätigt. Mit Spanung erwartet wurde die Präsentation des Vorstandes über die Fertigstelung des Vereinsheims. Darüber hinaus ist der jetzt seit fast 20 Jahren bestehende optische Eindruck einer „Dauerbaustele" durch die provisorische Dachkonstruktion nicht mehr länger tragbar. Man ist nicht nur auf s�chönes Weter und Sitzplätze im Freien angewiesen sondern kan, wen es nötig wird, auch mit etwas größerer Personenzahl in einen Aufenthaltsraum auf dem jetzigen Flachdach ausweichen. Desweiteren müsen Gäste nicht mehr die Toiletenanlagen in den Umkleide und Duschräumen benutzen. Mit Fasaden-Ansichten aus alen Richtungen konte Seitz die Mitglieder für die neue Optik des Vereinsheimes begeistern. Die Finanzierung wurde von Sascha Vogel auf Einahmen- und Ausgabenbasis der vergangenen 4 Jahre berechnet. Nach reger, konstruktiver Diskusion wurde die Fertigstelung des Vereinsheims mit 49 Ja-Stimen und 2 Enthaltungen beschlosen. Die Umsetzung des Beschluses gilt alerdings nur, wen eine Ausfalbürgschaft der Stadt für das erforderliche Darlehen bereitsteht. Vorstand Busch beschlos die Versamlung mit dem Dank an ale Verantwortlichen für ihr Engagement und wies auf die Termine zur Anlagenpflege für den Saisonstart hin. Zu diesen Terminen liegen im Clubheim auch wieder die Listen für die Clubhausdienste zum Eintragen bereit. Erfreulich war die positive Resonanz der Mitglieder auf die Veranstaltungen. Dank der hervoragenden Organisation von Albrecht, und dem hervoragenden Kuchen von Christa konten sich ale vol auf das Tenispielen konzentrieren. Vergleichskampf der Hoby – Damen und der Heren Am 6. Unter den 8 Teilnehmern wurden zwei Manschaften zusamengestelt, die unter Wetkampfbedingungen Einzel- und Dopelspiele absolvierten. Team 1 : Wolfram, Uli, Jens, Stefen Team 2 : Volker, Thomas, Lothar, Bernd Nachdem die Reihenfolge der Spieler von den Manschaftsführern festgelegt worden war, sahen die Zuschauer spanende Kampfbetonte Spiele. Die 6 anwesenden Damen spielten ihre Punkte in Dopel- und Einzelspielen aus. Am Ende konten die beiden erstplazierten, Lio, Nicola und Ingrid die Eintritskarten für die Internationale Würtembergische Damen Tenismeisterschaft entgegenehmen. September trafen sich die Hobyspieler von Auenstein und TC Otmarsheim zum traditionelen Freundschaftspiel auf der Anlage des TCO s. Nach der Be�grüßung durch die Breitensportwarte mit einem Glas Sekt, wurden die Spielparungen ausgelost. Der Clubhausdienst, mit Andrea, Amelie und Albrecht zauberten ein hervoragendes Menü für ale hungrigen. Die Verbandrunde: Die Manschaft könte sich auch dieses Mal in einer stark besetzten Grupe behaupten. Sie musten sich nur den drei Aufsteigern geschlagen geben und haten die restlichen Konkurenten gut im Grif. Die Herenmanschaft hat also die Fluch des ewigen Zweiten endgültig abgelegt. Es gab in diesem Jahr fast nur knape Ergebnise und die zwei wichtigsten Spiele konten auf heimischem Platz mit 5:4 gewonen werden. Aber dank der bärenstarken „Rückhand-Longline" konte zusamen mit den zahlreichen Zuschauern die Aufstiegsfeier gestartet werden. In 209 spielten die Heren I zum ersten Mal als 6er-Manschaft und gleich geht's eine Klase nach oben. Platz und damit auch die Fahrkarte in die Kreisklase 1. Die Manschaftsaufstelung 209: Dominik M., Maik, Denis, Felix, Dominik B., Carsten, Jens, Sebastian und Julian, unterstützt durch Joachim. Dies ist natürlich eine starke Schwächung für die Manschaft, die nur sehr schwer zu kompensieren ist. Die Teilnehmerzahl steigt von Jahr zu Jahr und so etabliert sich das Mixed beim TCO. Jedoch werden die Heren 40 quasi zu Heren 50 und es komt noch eine weitere Manschaft hinzu, die Damen 30 4er . Hierbei handelt es sich um ein alters- und spielklasenübergreifendes Bewertungsystem, das die namentliche Manschaftsmeldung vereinfachen und transparenter machen sol. Zur Erstberechnung wurden die Ergebnise aus der Verbandsrunde 208 209 nur Einzel verwendet. Die Leistungsklase eines jeden Spielers kan sich durch zukünftige Siege und Niederlagen verbesern oder verschlechtern. Nachdem die Stadtmeisterschaften nun drei Jahre lang nicht statgefunden haben, ist der TC Besigheim auf uns zugekomen und möchte sie wieder zum Leben erwecken. Die Gespräche hierzu werden noch geführt und ein neuer Sponsor ist auch in Sicht. Mit sechs Jugendmanschaften Juniorinen, Junioren 1 und 2, Mädchen, �Kids U12 und Bambinis starteten wir in die Saison. Events wie unsere Fackelwanderung, Vater/Kind-Turnier, Jugendmeisterschaften, Kinonacht und erstmalig eine Weihnachtsfeier für unsere Kids wurden hervoragend besucht und werden mit Sicherheit auch künftig in ähnlicher Form statfinden. Aufgrund der Alterstruktur unserer Juniorinen stand die Saison 209 unter der Rubrik „Abschiedstourne" für mehrere Spielerinen des Teams. Als Zielvorgabe waren sich Manschaft und Trainer einig, das man sich unbedingt mit dem Aufstieg in die Bezirksliga verabschieden wolte. Wie jedes Jahr war der Teamgeist und Einsatz der Manschaft absolut vorbildlich und auch die jüngeren Spielerinen wurden gut integriert und kamen regelmäßig zu Ihren Einsätzen. Nach deutlichen Siegen gegen Hemingen 8:1 , Oberiexingen 6:3 , Kornwestheim 6:3 , Sternenfels 7:2 und Markgröningen 9:0 wurde das Ziel Aufstieg letztlich souverän und ungefährdet ereicht. Für das neu formierte Juniorinenteam steht, mit der Saison 2010 in der Bezirksliga, sicherlich eine schwierige Aufgabe bevor und hier kan das Ziel eigentlich nur heißen „Nichtabstieg". Mit einer 3:5 Niederlage stand am Ende eine knape Niederlage zu Buche und der Aufstieg wurde leider verpast. Die Zielvorgabe des Trainers war, die Saison mit einer positiven Bilanz zu benden. Nach Siegen gegen Wiernsheim, Kircheim, Asperg, Kornwestheim jeweils 8:0 und Hochdorf 7:1 war das Endergebnis mit 5:0 Siegen und 39:1 Spielen sensationel gut und ein weiterer Aufstieg konte gefeiert werden. Nach dem altersbedingten Auscheiden von Mona und Jaqueline war nicht ganz klar in welche Richtung die Reise des Teams ging. Im Wintertraining wurden die Kids gut auf dieses Spiel vorbereitet und so ging man mit einer gewisen Zuversicht in den Wetkampf. Jedoch zeigte sich schnel das hier noch die nötige Erfahrung und Reife fehlte. Für die komende Saison steht uns dieses Team wieder in der gleichen Besetzung zur Verfügung und wir werden hier mit Sicherheit ales Versuchen die Ergebnise und die Platzierung aus der v�ergangenen Saison zu verbesern. Traditionel am Freitag wurde die Kinonacht veranstaltet bevor am Samstag und Sontag die Sieger der jeweiligen Konkurenzen ermitelt wurden. Ein Dank hier den Sponsoren die mit Geld -und Sachspenden Ihren Teil zu der gelungenen Veranstaltung beitrugen. Oetinger, Lea Für die Saison 2010 haben wir fünf Jugendmanschaften für die Verbandsrunde gemeldet. Wieder eine Menge Arbeit und Organisation wartet auf die Jugendwarte und natürlich auch auf die Eltern. Bei den Veranstaltungen werden wir wieder versuchen eine Fackelwanderung, das Vater/Kind-Turnier, eine Weihnachtsfeier und unsere Jugendmeisterschaften mit Kinonacht durchzuführen. lio nicola lio nicola in Covina

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Louis Stanislas Xavier was born on 17 November 175 in the Palace of Versailes, the son of Louis, Dauphin of France, and his wife, Princes Maria Josepha of Saxony. He was the grandson of the reigning King Louis XV, and as such, a Petit-fils de France. Louis Stanislas was christened Louis Stanislas Xavier six years after his birth, in acordance with Bourbon family tradition, being nameles before his baptism. At the time of his birth, Louis Stanislas was fourth in line to the throne of France, behind his father, the Dauphin or crown prince , and his two elder brothers, Louis Joseph Xavier, duc de Bourgogne and Louis Auguste, duc de Bery. The two deaths elevated Louis Stanislas to second in the line of sucesion, while Louis Auguste, acquired the title of Dauphin. Louis Stanislas found comfort in his governes, the comtese de Marsan, as he was her favourite out of al her charges Louis Stanislas' brothers and sisters . The comte de Provence and his brother Louis Auguste, duc de Bery, depicted in 1757 by Franois-Hubert Drouais. His education was of the same quality and consistency as that of his older brother, Louis Auguste, despite the fact that Louis Auguste was heir and Louis Stanislas was not. In the same month his household was founded, Louis was granted several titles by his grandfather, Louis XV: duc d'Anjou, comte du Maine, comte de Perche and comte de Senoches. On 14 May 171, Louis Stanislas maried Princes Marie Josephine Louise of Savoy. A luxurious bal folowed the weding on 20 May. The new comtese de Provence Louis bore the courtesy title comte de Provence was considered to be ugly, tedious and ignorant of the court at Versailes. On 27 April 174, Louis XV fel il after having contracted smalpox, and died the folowing 4 May. Louis Stanislas,comte de Provence, during the reign of Louis XVI of France. The Dauphin, Louis Auguste, suceded his grandfather as King Louis XVI. Louis XVI granted Louis Stanislas revenues from the Duchy of Alenon in December 174. Louis Stanislas to�k more tours of France than anyone else in the royal family, who rarely left the le-de-France. The birth of a girl came as a relief to the comte de Provence, who kept his position as heir to Louis XVI, since Salic Law excluded women from aceding to the throne of France. Louis Stanislas son fel in love with his wife's new lady-in-waiting, and instaled her as his mistres, which resulted in Marie Josphine's and Louis Stanislas' already smal afection for each other to col entirely. However, Louis Stanislas racked up astronomical debts, and when he asked Louis XVI to pay of his debt of 10 milion livres in the early 1780s, Louis XVI obliged. Louis Stanislas slid further down the line of sucesion when Marie Antoinete gave birth to her second son, Louis Charles, in March 1785. Louis XVI and Briene tok a hostile stance against the parlement's rejection, and Louis XVI had to implement a Lit de justice which automaticaly registered an edict in the Parlement de Paris to ratify the desired reforms. Necker disregarded the notables' judgment, and convinced Louis XVI to grant the extra representation Louis duly obliged on 27 December. On 1 July, Louis XVI dismised Jacques Necker, which led to widespread rioting acros Paris. The law created the potential regency as folows: Louis Charles' nearest male relative in France presently the comte de Provence Louis Stanislas , and after him, the regency would be given to the duc drlans, and if he were unavailable, the regency would go to election. Louis Stanislas was exploiting a document that he and Louis XVI had writen before the later's failed escape to Varenes. They released the Declaration of Pilnitz in August 1791, which urged Europe to intervene in France if Louis XVI or his family were threatened. Provence's endorsement of the declaration was not wel received in France, by the people, or by Louis XVI. This left his young son, Louis Charles, as titular King Louis XVI of France. The princes-in-exile proclaimed Louis Charles King Louis XVI . Louis Stanislas now unilateraly declared �himself regent for his nephew, who was to young to be head of the House of Bourbon since the French monarchy had ben abolished for several months, Louis XVI never actualy ruled, and any claim to regency would have ben in name only. Young Louis XVI's reign did not last long as he died in June 1795, survived by his sister Marie-Thrse Charlote de France, Madame Royale. On 16 June, the princes-in-exile declared the comte de Provence King Louis XVI . Louis XVI busied himself drafting a manifesto in response to Louis XVI's death. The manifesto, known as The Declaration of Verona was Louis XVI's atempt to introduce the French people to his politics after al, he had just ben declared King by the exiles . Louis XVI negotiated Marie-Thrse release from her Paris' prison in 1795. Louis XVI desperately wanted Marie-Thrse to mary her first cousin, Louis Antoine, duc dngoulme, the son of the comte d'Artois. Louis XVI deceived his niece by teling her that her parents' last wishes were for her to mary Louis Antoine, and Marie-Thrse duly agred to her uncle-king's wishes. Louis XVI was forced to abandon Verona when Napoleon Bonaparte invaded the Republic of Venice. Jelgava Palace, Louis XVI's residence from 1798 to 1801, and from 1804 to 1807. Louis XVI had ben vying for the custody of his niece Marie-Thrse since her release from the Temple Tower in December 1795. Louis XVI moved to Blankenburg in Duchy of Brunswick [Braunschweig] after his departure from Verona. Louis XVI was forced to leave Blankenberg when King Frederick Wiliam I of Prusia died. Marie-Thrse finaly joined Louis XVI at Jelgava in 179. In the winter of 1798179, Louis XVI wrote a biography on Marie Antoinete, titled Rflexions Historiques sur Marie Antoinete. Louis XVI ordered his wife to atend the mariage procedings in Courland without her long-time friend and rumoured lover Madame de Gourbilon. Louis XVI was trying desperately to display to the world a united family front. Louis XVI knew that his nephew Louis Antoine was not compatible with Marie-Thrse. Louis XVI a�tempted to strike up a corespondence with Napoleon Bonaparte First Consul of France in 180. Louis XVI besought Bonaparte to restore the Bourbons to their throne, but the future emperor was imune to Louis's requests and continued to consolidate his position as ruler of France. Louis XVI encouraged his niece to write her memoirs, as he wished them to be used as Bourbon propaganda. Louis also used the diaries of Louis XVI' final atendants in the same way, in 1796 and in 1803. With Louis XVI using the title Comte d'Isle named after his estate in Languedoc , he and his family asumed residence in Warsaw, after an arduous voyage from Jelgava. The comte drtois asked Louis to send his son, Louis Antoine, and daughter-in-law, Marie-Thrse, to him in Edinburgh. Louis was distresed by Artois' request, as Louis Antoine and his wife were al that he had, while Charles had an alowance from King George I of Great Britain. Louis XVI's court in exile was being spied on by French police. In 1803, Napoleon tried to force Louis XVI to renounce his right to the throne of France, but Louis refused. Louis XVI and his nephew departed for Sweden in July for a Bourbon family conference, where Louis XVI, the comte drtois, and the duc d'Angoulme isued a statement condemning Napoleon's decision to declare himself emperor. The King of Prusia isued a proclamation saying that Louis XVI would have to leave Prusian teritory, which meant leaving Warsaw. Alexander I of Rusia invited Louis XVI to resume residence in Jelgava. Louis XVI was forced once again to leave Jelgava when Alexander of Rusia informed him that his safety could not be guaranted on continental Europe. He tok up residence in Gosfield Hal, leased to him by the Marques of Buckingham Hartwel House, Louis XVI's court-in-exile from 1808 until the Restoration. Louis XVI's wife, Quen Marie Josphine, died on 13 November 1810. In 1813, Louis XVI isued another declaration while at Hartwel. Louis XVI isued leters patent apointing Artois Lieutenant General of the Kingdom in the event of the Bourb�ons being restored. Algorie du retour des Bourbons le 24 avril 1814 : Louis XVI relevant la France de ses ruines, by Louis-Philipe Crpin The comte d'Artois ruled as Lieutenant-General of the Kingdom, until his brother's arival in Paris on 3 May. Upon his return, the King displayed himself to his subjects by creating a procesion through the city. Napoleon's senate caled Louis XVI to the throne on the condition that he would acept the new constitution, which entailed recognition of the Republic and the Empire, a bicameral parliament elected every year, and the tri-colour flag of the aforementioned regimes. Louis XVI oposed the senate's constitution, and stated that he was disbanding the curent senate in al the crimes of Bonaparte, and apealing to the French people . The armies ocupying Paris demanded that Louis XVI implement a constitution. Louis XVI signed the Treaty of Paris on 30 May 1814. He and his Controler-General of Finance Baron Louis were determined not to let the exchequer fal into deficit there was a 75 milion franc debt inherited from Napoleon I , and tok fiscal measures to ensure this. Louis XVI asured the French that the unpopular tax on tobaco, wine and salt would be abolished when he was restored, but he failed to do so, which led to rioting in Bordeaux. Gold Coin of Louis XVI, struck 1815 Obverse: French LOUIS XVI, ROI DE FRANCE, in English: Louis XVI, King of France Reverse: French PIECE DE 20 FRANCS, 1815, in English: 20 Franc Piece, 1815. Louis XVI admited the comte d'Artois and his nephews, the duc d'Angoulme, and the duc de Bery into the King's council in May 1814, upon its establishment. Louis XVI tok a large interest in the goings-on of the Congres of Viena set up to redraw the map of Europe after Napoleon's demise . He also wished the Duchy of Parma to be restored to the Parmese Bourbons, and not to Empres Marie Louise of France, as was being sugested by the Alies. Louis XVI suceded in geting the Neapolitan Bourbons restored imediately. Parma was bestowed upon Empres Marie Louise for life,� and the Parmese Bourbons were given the Duchy of Luca until the death of Marie Louise. There was, however, a major underlying problem for the Bourbons: Louis XVI had failed to purge the military of its Bonapartist trops. Furthermore, Louis XVI could not join the campaign against Napoleon in the south of France because he was sufering from another case of gout. Louis XVI's underestimation of Bonaparte proved disastrous. Other leaders, most prominently Alexander I of Rusia, debated that in case of a second victory over the French Empire, the First Prince of the Blod Louis Philipe d'Orlans should be proclaimed king instead of Louis XVI. Leaders came to the consensus that Louis XVI should be restored to the throne of France. Louis XVI in robes du sacre by Franois Grard. From left to right: Charles, comte d'Artois, Louis XVI, Marie Caroline, duchese de Bery, Marie Thrse, duchese d'Angoulme, Louis Antoine, duc d'Angoulme and Charles Ferdinand, duc de Bery. Louis XVI returned to France promptly after Napoleon's defeat, to ensure his second restoration in bagage train of the enemy , i.e. It was also acknowledged that Louis XVI's government might have made mistakes during the First Restoration. Welington rejected their pleas outright, declaring that [Louis XVI is] the best way to preserve the integrity of France . Louis XVI entered Paris on 8 July to a boisterous reception: the Tuileries Palace gardens were thronged with bystanders, and, acording to the Duke of Welington, the aclamation of the crowds there were so loud that evening, that he could not converse with the King. Louis XVI's role in politics from the Hundred Days onward was voluntarily diminished, he resigned most of his duties to his council. The King's council, an informal group of ministers that advised Louis XVI, was disolved and replaced by a tighter knit privy council, the Ministre de Roi . Louis XVI chose Armand-Emanuel du Plesis, duc de Richelieu to be his new Prime Minister. Louis XVI deplored such ilegal acts, but vehemently suported the prosecution �of those marshals that helped Napoleon I in the Hundred Days. Louis XVI government executed Napoleon's Marshal Ney, Prince de la Moskowa, in December 1815 for treason. The King was reluctant to shed blod, and this greatly iritated the ultra-reactionary chamber of deputies, who felt that Louis XVI was not executing enough. In November 1815, Louis XVI government had to sign another Treaty of Paris, formaly ending Napoleon hundred days. In October of the same year, Louis XVI foreign minister, the Duc de Richelieu, suceded in convincing the powers to withdraw their armies early, in exchange for a sum of over 20 milion francs. The royal family was grief-stricken and Louis XVI broke an ancient tradition to atend his nephew's funeral, as previous Kings of France could not have any asociation with death. Around the same time as the aw of the two votes, Louis XVI began to receive visits every Wednesday from a lady named Zo Talon, comtese du Cayla, and ordered that nobody should disturb him while he was with her. Louis XVI's grave, at the Basilica of St Denis, Paris. Louis XVI was the only French monarch of the 19th century to die while stil ruling. Louis, Dauphin of France and Duke of Burgundy 17. Louis XVI of France 24. Lever, Evelyne, Louis XVI, Fayard, Paris, 1985, p. Those who lost their estate and/or other valuables would later be compensated in the reign of Louis XVI brother, Charles X. Price, 53 Price, 54 Price, 5 Price, 69 Mansel, 190 Mansel, 192 Mansel, 196 Mansel, 197 Price, 75 Mansel, 2 Price, 79 Price, 80 Price, 81 Price, 82 83 Price, 83 Mansel, 253 Mansel, 254 Mansel, 25 Mansel, 256 Mansel, 260 Mansel, 261 Mansel, 26 Lever, velyne, Louis XVI, Fayard, Paris, 198, p. Price, 84 Mansel, 424 Mansel, 425 Mansel, 426 Mansel, 427 Price, 89 Price, 95-96 Price, 93 Price, 94 Price, 98 a b Price, 106-107 Mansel, 194 Nagel, 287 Price, 108 Price, 109 Lever, Louis XVI, 537 Price, 10 Nagel, 297298 Lever, velyne, Louis XVI, Fayard, Paris, 198. Louis XVI at NDB.COM Louis Auguste, Dauphin of France Louis Joseph, Dauphin of Fra�nce Louis XI Nicolas Henri, Duke of Orlans Gaston, Duke of Orlans Louis XIV Philipe, Duke of Orlans Jean Gaston, Duke of Valois Louis, Dauphin of France Philipe Charles, Duke of Anjou Louis Franois, Duke of Anjou Philipe Charles, Duke of Valois Alexandre Louis, Duke of Valois Philipe, Duke of Orlans Louis, Duke of Burgundy, Dauphin of France King Felipe V of Spain Charles, Duke of Bery Louis, Duke of Britany Louis, Duke of Britany Louis XV Louis, Dauphin of France Philipe, Duke of Anjou Louis, Duke of Burgundy Xavier, Duke of Aquitaine Louis XVI Louis XVI Charles X Louis Joseph, Dauphin of France Louis XVI Louis Antoine, Duke of Angoulme Charles Ferdinand, Duke of Bery Louis XI Elisabeth, Quen of Spain Christine Marie, Duches of Savoy Nicolas Henri, Duke of Orlans Gaston, Duke of Orlans Henriete Marie, Quen of England, Ireland and Scotland Henri, Duke of Beaumont 15153 Louis, Count of Marle 15157 Madeleine 156 Catherine, Duches of Loraine Csar, Duke of Vendme Catherine Henriete, Duches of Elbeuf Alexandre, Chevalier de Vendme Henri, Duke of Verneuil Gabriele Angelique, Duches of La Valete and Epernon Antoine, Count of Moret Jeane Baptiste, Abes of Fontevraud Marie Henriete, Abes of Cheles Ane Marie Louise, Duches of Montpensier Marguerite Louise, Grand Duches of Tuscany lisabeth Marguerite, Duches of Alenon and Angoulme Franoise Madeleine, Duches of Savoy Princes Marie Ane Jean Gaston, Duke of Valois Louis XIV of France Philipe, Duke of Orlans Louis XIV of France Philipe, Duke of Orlans Louis, Dauphin of France Princes Ane lisabeth Princes Marie Ane Princes Marie Therse, Madame Royale Philipe Charles, Duke of Anjou Louis Franois, Duke of Anjou Marie Louise, Quen of Spain Philipe Charles, Duke of Valois Ane Marie, Quen of Sardinia Alexandre Louis, Duke of Valois Philipe Charles, Duke of Orlans lisabeth Charlote, Duches of Loraine Louis, Duke of Burgundy King Felipe of Spain Charles, Duke of Bery Louis, Duke of Orlans HRH Infanta Mara� Teresa of Spain Franoise d'Aubign, Marchiones of Maintenon Louis, Dauphin of France Princes Ane lisabeth Princes Marie Ane Princes Marie Therse, Madame Royale Philipe Charles, Duke of Anjou Louis Franois, Duke of Anjou Charles Philipe Marie Ane, Princes of Conti Louis, Count of Vermandois Louis Auguste, Duke of Maine Louis Csar, Count of Vexin Louise Franoise, Princes of Cond Louise Marie Ane, Mademoisele de Tours Franoise Marie, Duches of Orlans Louis Alexandre, Count of Toulouse Louise, Barones of La Queue Louis, Duke of Burgundy King Felipe of Spain+ Charles, Duke of Bery Louis Auguste, Prince of Dombes Louis Charles, Count of Eu Louise Franoise, Mademoisele du Maine Louis Jean Marie, Duke of Penthivre Louis, Duke of Britany Louis, Duke of Britany Louis XV of France Louis I of Spain Felipe of Spain Felipe of Spain Ferdinand VI of Spain Charles I of Spain Francisco of Spain Mariana Vctoria, Quen of Portugal Philip, Duke of Parma Maria Teresa Rafaela, Dauphine of France Luis, Count of Chinchn Maria Antonieta, Quen of Sardinia X d'Alenon Charles, Duke of Alenon Marie Louise lisabeth d'Alenon Louis Alexandre, Prince of Lambale Marie Louise lisabeth, Duches of Parma Princes Henriete Ane Princes Marie Louise Louis, Dauphin of France Philipe, Duke of Anjou Marie Adlade, Duches of Louvois Princes Victoire Sophie, Duches of Louvois Princes Flicit Princes Louise Marie Princes Marie Therse, Madame Royale Princes Marie Zphyrine Louis, Duke of Burgundy Xavier, Duke of Aquitaine Louis XVI of France Louis XVI of France Charles X of France Clothilde, Quen of Sardinia Princes lisabeth Charles de Vintimile Agathe Louise de Saint-Antoine Philipe, Duke of Narbone-Lara Louis, Count of Narbone-Lara Marie Thrse, Duches of Angoulme Louis Joseph, Dauphin of France Louis XVI of France Princes Sophie Hlne Louis had no children; His uncle, future Louis XVI of France proclaimed himself regent but both titles were disputed. Louis Antoine, Duke of Angoulme Sophie, M�ademoisele Charles Ferdinand, Duke of Bery Marie Thrse, Mademoisele d'Angoulme Princes Louise lisabeth Prince Louis Louise Marie Thrse, Duches of Parma Henri, Count of Chambord Notes: also an Infante or Infanta of Spain also an Archduches of Austria both Philip was the first Bourbon king of Spain, the country's present ruling house 8438, 89892, 936987 898, 92923 Henry IV 15891610 Louis XI 16101643 Louis XIV 16431715 Louis XV 1715174 Louis XVI 1741792 Louis XVI claimant, 17921795 First Empire 18041814, 1815 Napoleon I 18041814, 1815 Napoleon I 1815 Bourbon Restoration 1814, 18151830 Louis XVI 18141815, 18151824 Charles X 18241830 Louis XIX 1830 disputed Henry V 1830 disputed inter ultra inter ultra in Bell gardens

четверг, 7 октября 2010 г.

letra de la cancion de amaral y in Miracle mile

letra de la cancion de amaral y in Miracle mile

Amaral es un conjunto musical de Zaragoza formado por Eva Amaral vocalista y compositora y Juan Aguire guitarista y compositor . Con un estilo de Folk Rock y con letras de contenido poético, Amaral ha vendido entre sus cuatro discos más de dos milones de copias. Su primer álbum apareció con el nombre de Amaral bajo la produción de Pancho Varona, actual guitarista de Joaquín Sabina. En el año 202 el mismo productor produce el tercer álbum de la cantante, que se tituló Estrela de mar. En 204 iba a grabar su cuarto álbum, pero el guitarista sufrió una tendinitis, lo que supuso que Amaral se convirtiera en telonera de Bob Dylan cantando varias canciones ela sola y otras en acompañamiento de la harmónica de su compañero Juan. A finales de ese año, el guitarista está recuperado y graban en Londres su cuarto álbum, Pájaros en la cabeza, que sale a la venta el 14 de marzo de 205. letra de la cancion de amaral y letra de la cancion de amaral y in Miracle mile

среда, 6 октября 2010 г.

letra de la cancion de amaral el universo in Los nietos

letra de la cancion de amaral el universo in Los nietos

[postlink]htp:/[/postlink] htp:/ Letra y Video Clip cancion: Amaral - El universo sobre mí alta calidad Letra y Video Clip cancion: Descargar: Amaral - El universo sobre mí Video Oficial HD Ya se van los invitados, Nada que descubra lo que siento, Quiero vivir, quiero gritar, Quiero corer en libertad, Una broma del destino, Ya he tenido suficiente, Quiero vivir, quiero gritar, Quiero corer en libertad, Quiero vivir, quiero sentir el universo sobre mí Como un naufrago en el mar, quiero encontrar mi sitio todos los amantes locos, Todas las casitas de muà ecas donde celebraba fiestas, Quiero vivir, quiero gritar, Quiero corer en libertad, Quiero vivir, quiero sentir el universo sobre mí Como un naufrago en el mar, Quiero vivir, quiero gritar, Quiero corer en libertad, Quiero vivir, Como un naufrago en el mar, letra de la cancion de amaral el universo in Los nietos

letra de la cancion de amar es lo que quiero in Sleepy valley

letra de la cancion de amar es lo que quiero in Sleepy valley

El contenido del sitio es meramente informativo - - - letra de la cancion de amar es lo que quiero letra de la cancion de amar es lo que quiero in Sleepy valley

вторник, 5 октября 2010 г.

letra de la cancion de almohada de jose in Mirada

letra de la cancion de almohada de jose in Mirada

Se como lego esta cancion a manos de jose jose, pero esa historia se las contare otro dia Escrito por: como hago para grabar la cancion y donde la guarda y como haré para poder escucharla, para asi intentar grabarla bien con todas las de la ley Escrito por: En una venida de jose jose a nicaragua cuando este iba de regreso a mexico, adam tores logró alcanzarlo antes de salir a abordar el avión y le entregó un casete con la canción y al tiempo este comenzó a escuchar la canción cantada por jose jose. letra de la cancion de almohada de jose letra de la cancion de almohada de jose in Mirada

понедельник, 4 октября 2010 г.

letra de la cancion de alma pirata de benjamin in La crescenta

letra de la cancion de alma pirata de benjamin in La crescenta

Este contigo, este no estas tan extraño Asi, sin ti I ned your love, I ned your love, De tus males, de los mios No te conviene, pirata Tu cariño y el mio, Tu cariño y el mio, Tu cariño y el mio, Dejame escapar de tu prisión. Tu cariño y el mio, Tu cariño y el mio, Tu cariño y el mio, Romperá mi corazón. Que me perdí por ti, que me morí por ti El vil demonio provocó el encuentro, Me tiembla el alma, te tengo tan cerca Que puedo besarte y me desespera. Y no verán tus ojos, Que me perdí por ti, Que me morí. letra de la cancion de alma pirata de benjamin letra de la cancion de alma pirata de benjamin in La crescenta