
воскресенье, 8 августа 2010 г.

3 Day Diet Results May Not Last. | Article Directory

3 Day Diet, Not A Long Term Solution.3 Day Diet, Not A Long Term Solution. By: Janet LoveIf you need to lose weight quickly for a big event, such as a wedding or class reunion, the 3 Day Diet may give you the results you want, but don't expect them to last.Although experts condemn the diet as just another fad and part of a yo-yo dieting trend, the diet has been around since 1985. day three, 5 saltine crackers, one ounce of cheddar cheese and an apple.Lunch the first day again includes tea or coffee with calorie-free sweetener along with 1/2 cup tuna and a piece of toast; On the second day, you can have two beef hot dogs, 1 cup broccoli or cabbage, 1/2 cup carrots, 1/2 banana and 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream. On the final day you eat one cup each of tuna, carrots, cauliflower and melon, along with 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream.Four cups of water or calorie-free drinks are recommended by the diet although it is less than the recommended amount for good health.Even if the 3 Day Diet helps you squeeze into your favorite outfit or lose a couple of pounds instantly, it is not a long term or healthy weight loss solution.

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