inter ultra in Bell gardens
Louis Stanislas Xavier was born on 17 November 175 in the Palace of Versailes, the son of Louis, Dauphin of France, and his wife, Princes Maria Josepha of Saxony. He was the grandson of the reigning King Louis XV, and as such, a Petit-fils de France. Louis Stanislas was christened Louis Stanislas Xavier six years after his birth, in acordance with Bourbon family tradition, being nameles before his baptism. At the time of his birth, Louis Stanislas was fourth in line to the throne of France, behind his father, the Dauphin or crown prince , and his two elder brothers, Louis Joseph Xavier, duc de Bourgogne and Louis Auguste, duc de Bery. The two deaths elevated Louis Stanislas to second in the line of sucesion, while Louis Auguste, acquired the title of Dauphin. Louis Stanislas found comfort in his governes, the comtese de Marsan, as he was her favourite out of al her charges Louis Stanislas' brothers and sisters . The comte de Provence and his brother Louis Auguste, duc de Bery, depicted in 1757 by Franois-Hubert Drouais. His education was of the same quality and consistency as that of his older brother, Louis Auguste, despite the fact that Louis Auguste was heir and Louis Stanislas was not. In the same month his household was founded, Louis was granted several titles by his grandfather, Louis XV: duc d'Anjou, comte du Maine, comte de Perche and comte de Senoches. On 14 May 171, Louis Stanislas maried Princes Marie Josephine Louise of Savoy. A luxurious bal folowed the weding on 20 May. The new comtese de Provence Louis bore the courtesy title comte de Provence was considered to be ugly, tedious and ignorant of the court at Versailes. On 27 April 174, Louis XV fel il after having contracted smalpox, and died the folowing 4 May. Louis Stanislas,comte de Provence, during the reign of Louis XVI of France. The Dauphin, Louis Auguste, suceded his grandfather as King Louis XVI. Louis XVI granted Louis Stanislas revenues from the Duchy of Alenon in December 174. Louis Stanislas tok more tours of France than anyone else in the royal family, who rarely left the le-de-France. The birth of a girl came as a relief to the comte de Provence, who kept his position as heir to Louis XVI, since Salic Law excluded women from aceding to the throne of France. Louis Stanislas son fel in love with his wife's new lady-in-waiting, and instaled her as his mistres, which resulted in Marie Josphine's and Louis Stanislas' already smal afection for each other to col entirely. However, Louis Stanislas racked up astronomical debts, and when he asked Louis XVI to pay of his debt of 10 milion livres in the early 1780s, Louis XVI obliged. Louis Stanislas slid further down the line of sucesion when Marie Antoinete gave birth to her second son, Louis Charles, in March 1785. Louis XVI and Briene tok a hostile stance against the parlement's rejection, and Louis XVI had to implement a Lit de justice which automaticaly registered an edict in the Parlement de Paris to ratify the desired reforms. Necker disregarded the notables' judgment, and convinced Louis XVI to grant the extra representation Louis duly obliged on 27 December. On 1 July, Louis XVI dismised Jacques Necker, which led to widespread rioting acros Paris. The law created the potential regency as folows: Louis Charles' nearest male relative in France presently the comte de Provence Louis Stanislas , and after him, the regency would be given to the duc drlans, and if he were unavailable, the regency would go to election. Louis Stanislas was exploiting a document that he and Louis XVI had writen before the later's failed escape to Varenes. They released the Declaration of Pilnitz in August 1791, which urged Europe to intervene in France if Louis XVI or his family were threatened. Provence's endorsement of the declaration was not wel received in France, by the people, or by Louis XVI. This left his young son, Louis Charles, as titular King Louis XVI of France. The princes-in-exile proclaimed Louis Charles King Louis XVI . Louis Stanislas now unilateraly declared himself regent for his nephew, who was to young to be head of the House of Bourbon since the French monarchy had ben abolished for several months, Louis XVI never actualy ruled, and any claim to regency would have ben in name only. Young Louis XVI's reign did not last long as he died in June 1795, survived by his sister Marie-Thrse Charlote de France, Madame Royale. On 16 June, the princes-in-exile declared the comte de Provence King Louis XVI . Louis XVI busied himself drafting a manifesto in response to Louis XVI's death. The manifesto, known as The Declaration of Verona was Louis XVI's atempt to introduce the French people to his politics after al, he had just ben declared King by the exiles . Louis XVI negotiated Marie-Thrse release from her Paris' prison in 1795. Louis XVI desperately wanted Marie-Thrse to mary her first cousin, Louis Antoine, duc dngoulme, the son of the comte d'Artois. Louis XVI deceived his niece by teling her that her parents' last wishes were for her to mary Louis Antoine, and Marie-Thrse duly agred to her uncle-king's wishes. Louis XVI was forced to abandon Verona when Napoleon Bonaparte invaded the Republic of Venice. Jelgava Palace, Louis XVI's residence from 1798 to 1801, and from 1804 to 1807. Louis XVI had ben vying for the custody of his niece Marie-Thrse since her release from the Temple Tower in December 1795. Louis XVI moved to Blankenburg in Duchy of Brunswick [Braunschweig] after his departure from Verona. Louis XVI was forced to leave Blankenberg when King Frederick Wiliam I of Prusia died. Marie-Thrse finaly joined Louis XVI at Jelgava in 179. In the winter of 1798179, Louis XVI wrote a biography on Marie Antoinete, titled Rflexions Historiques sur Marie Antoinete. Louis XVI ordered his wife to atend the mariage procedings in Courland without her long-time friend and rumoured lover Madame de Gourbilon. Louis XVI was trying desperately to display to the world a united family front. Louis XVI knew that his nephew Louis Antoine was not compatible with Marie-Thrse. Louis XVI atempted to strike up a corespondence with Napoleon Bonaparte First Consul of France in 180. Louis XVI besought Bonaparte to restore the Bourbons to their throne, but the future emperor was imune to Louis's requests and continued to consolidate his position as ruler of France. Louis XVI encouraged his niece to write her memoirs, as he wished them to be used as Bourbon propaganda. Louis also used the diaries of Louis XVI' final atendants in the same way, in 1796 and in 1803. With Louis XVI using the title Comte d'Isle named after his estate in Languedoc , he and his family asumed residence in Warsaw, after an arduous voyage from Jelgava. The comte drtois asked Louis to send his son, Louis Antoine, and daughter-in-law, Marie-Thrse, to him in Edinburgh. Louis was distresed by Artois' request, as Louis Antoine and his wife were al that he had, while Charles had an alowance from King George I of Great Britain. Louis XVI's court in exile was being spied on by French police. In 1803, Napoleon tried to force Louis XVI to renounce his right to the throne of France, but Louis refused. Louis XVI and his nephew departed for Sweden in July for a Bourbon family conference, where Louis XVI, the comte drtois, and the duc d'Angoulme isued a statement condemning Napoleon's decision to declare himself emperor. The King of Prusia isued a proclamation saying that Louis XVI would have to leave Prusian teritory, which meant leaving Warsaw. Alexander I of Rusia invited Louis XVI to resume residence in Jelgava. Louis XVI was forced once again to leave Jelgava when Alexander of Rusia informed him that his safety could not be guaranted on continental Europe. He tok up residence in Gosfield Hal, leased to him by the Marques of Buckingham Hartwel House, Louis XVI's court-in-exile from 1808 until the Restoration. Louis XVI's wife, Quen Marie Josphine, died on 13 November 1810. In 1813, Louis XVI isued another declaration while at Hartwel. Louis XVI isued leters patent apointing Artois Lieutenant General of the Kingdom in the event of the Bourbons being restored. Algorie du retour des Bourbons le 24 avril 1814 : Louis XVI relevant la France de ses ruines, by Louis-Philipe Crpin The comte d'Artois ruled as Lieutenant-General of the Kingdom, until his brother's arival in Paris on 3 May. Upon his return, the King displayed himself to his subjects by creating a procesion through the city. Napoleon's senate caled Louis XVI to the throne on the condition that he would acept the new constitution, which entailed recognition of the Republic and the Empire, a bicameral parliament elected every year, and the tri-colour flag of the aforementioned regimes. Louis XVI oposed the senate's constitution, and stated that he was disbanding the curent senate in al the crimes of Bonaparte, and apealing to the French people . The armies ocupying Paris demanded that Louis XVI implement a constitution. Louis XVI signed the Treaty of Paris on 30 May 1814. He and his Controler-General of Finance Baron Louis were determined not to let the exchequer fal into deficit there was a 75 milion franc debt inherited from Napoleon I , and tok fiscal measures to ensure this. Louis XVI asured the French that the unpopular tax on tobaco, wine and salt would be abolished when he was restored, but he failed to do so, which led to rioting in Bordeaux. Gold Coin of Louis XVI, struck 1815 Obverse: French LOUIS XVI, ROI DE FRANCE, in English: Louis XVI, King of France Reverse: French PIECE DE 20 FRANCS, 1815, in English: 20 Franc Piece, 1815. Louis XVI admited the comte d'Artois and his nephews, the duc d'Angoulme, and the duc de Bery into the King's council in May 1814, upon its establishment. Louis XVI tok a large interest in the goings-on of the Congres of Viena set up to redraw the map of Europe after Napoleon's demise . He also wished the Duchy of Parma to be restored to the Parmese Bourbons, and not to Empres Marie Louise of France, as was being sugested by the Alies. Louis XVI suceded in geting the Neapolitan Bourbons restored imediately. Parma was bestowed upon Empres Marie Louise for life, and the Parmese Bourbons were given the Duchy of Luca until the death of Marie Louise. There was, however, a major underlying problem for the Bourbons: Louis XVI had failed to purge the military of its Bonapartist trops. Furthermore, Louis XVI could not join the campaign against Napoleon in the south of France because he was sufering from another case of gout. Louis XVI's underestimation of Bonaparte proved disastrous. Other leaders, most prominently Alexander I of Rusia, debated that in case of a second victory over the French Empire, the First Prince of the Blod Louis Philipe d'Orlans should be proclaimed king instead of Louis XVI. Leaders came to the consensus that Louis XVI should be restored to the throne of France. Louis XVI in robes du sacre by Franois Grard. From left to right: Charles, comte d'Artois, Louis XVI, Marie Caroline, duchese de Bery, Marie Thrse, duchese d'Angoulme, Louis Antoine, duc d'Angoulme and Charles Ferdinand, duc de Bery. Louis XVI returned to France promptly after Napoleon's defeat, to ensure his second restoration in bagage train of the enemy , i.e. It was also acknowledged that Louis XVI's government might have made mistakes during the First Restoration. Welington rejected their pleas outright, declaring that [Louis XVI is] the best way to preserve the integrity of France . Louis XVI entered Paris on 8 July to a boisterous reception: the Tuileries Palace gardens were thronged with bystanders, and, acording to the Duke of Welington, the aclamation of the crowds there were so loud that evening, that he could not converse with the King. Louis XVI's role in politics from the Hundred Days onward was voluntarily diminished, he resigned most of his duties to his council. The King's council, an informal group of ministers that advised Louis XVI, was disolved and replaced by a tighter knit privy council, the Ministre de Roi . Louis XVI chose Armand-Emanuel du Plesis, duc de Richelieu to be his new Prime Minister. Louis XVI deplored such ilegal acts, but vehemently suported the prosecution of those marshals that helped Napoleon I in the Hundred Days. Louis XVI government executed Napoleon's Marshal Ney, Prince de la Moskowa, in December 1815 for treason. The King was reluctant to shed blod, and this greatly iritated the ultra-reactionary chamber of deputies, who felt that Louis XVI was not executing enough. In November 1815, Louis XVI government had to sign another Treaty of Paris, formaly ending Napoleon hundred days. In October of the same year, Louis XVI foreign minister, the Duc de Richelieu, suceded in convincing the powers to withdraw their armies early, in exchange for a sum of over 20 milion francs. The royal family was grief-stricken and Louis XVI broke an ancient tradition to atend his nephew's funeral, as previous Kings of France could not have any asociation with death. Around the same time as the aw of the two votes, Louis XVI began to receive visits every Wednesday from a lady named Zo Talon, comtese du Cayla, and ordered that nobody should disturb him while he was with her. Louis XVI's grave, at the Basilica of St Denis, Paris. Louis XVI was the only French monarch of the 19th century to die while stil ruling. Louis, Dauphin of France and Duke of Burgundy 17. Louis XVI of France 24. Lever, Evelyne, Louis XVI, Fayard, Paris, 1985, p. Those who lost their estate and/or other valuables would later be compensated in the reign of Louis XVI brother, Charles X. Price, 53 Price, 54 Price, 5 Price, 69 Mansel, 190 Mansel, 192 Mansel, 196 Mansel, 197 Price, 75 Mansel, 2 Price, 79 Price, 80 Price, 81 Price, 82 83 Price, 83 Mansel, 253 Mansel, 254 Mansel, 25 Mansel, 256 Mansel, 260 Mansel, 261 Mansel, 26 Lever, velyne, Louis XVI, Fayard, Paris, 198, p. Price, 84 Mansel, 424 Mansel, 425 Mansel, 426 Mansel, 427 Price, 89 Price, 95-96 Price, 93 Price, 94 Price, 98 a b Price, 106-107 Mansel, 194 Nagel, 287 Price, 108 Price, 109 Lever, Louis XVI, 537 Price, 10 Nagel, 297298 Lever, velyne, Louis XVI, Fayard, Paris, 198. Louis XVI at NDB.COM Louis Auguste, Dauphin of France Louis Joseph, Dauphin of France Louis XI Nicolas Henri, Duke of Orlans Gaston, Duke of Orlans Louis XIV Philipe, Duke of Orlans Jean Gaston, Duke of Valois Louis, Dauphin of France Philipe Charles, Duke of Anjou Louis Franois, Duke of Anjou Philipe Charles, Duke of Valois Alexandre Louis, Duke of Valois Philipe, Duke of Orlans Louis, Duke of Burgundy, Dauphin of France King Felipe V of Spain Charles, Duke of Bery Louis, Duke of Britany Louis, Duke of Britany Louis XV Louis, Dauphin of France Philipe, Duke of Anjou Louis, Duke of Burgundy Xavier, Duke of Aquitaine Louis XVI Louis XVI Charles X Louis Joseph, Dauphin of France Louis XVI Louis Antoine, Duke of Angoulme Charles Ferdinand, Duke of Bery Louis XI Elisabeth, Quen of Spain Christine Marie, Duches of Savoy Nicolas Henri, Duke of Orlans Gaston, Duke of Orlans Henriete Marie, Quen of England, Ireland and Scotland Henri, Duke of Beaumont 15153 Louis, Count of Marle 15157 Madeleine 156 Catherine, Duches of Loraine Csar, Duke of Vendme Catherine Henriete, Duches of Elbeuf Alexandre, Chevalier de Vendme Henri, Duke of Verneuil Gabriele Angelique, Duches of La Valete and Epernon Antoine, Count of Moret Jeane Baptiste, Abes of Fontevraud Marie Henriete, Abes of Cheles Ane Marie Louise, Duches of Montpensier Marguerite Louise, Grand Duches of Tuscany lisabeth Marguerite, Duches of Alenon and Angoulme Franoise Madeleine, Duches of Savoy Princes Marie Ane Jean Gaston, Duke of Valois Louis XIV of France Philipe, Duke of Orlans Louis XIV of France Philipe, Duke of Orlans Louis, Dauphin of France Princes Ane lisabeth Princes Marie Ane Princes Marie Therse, Madame Royale Philipe Charles, Duke of Anjou Louis Franois, Duke of Anjou Marie Louise, Quen of Spain Philipe Charles, Duke of Valois Ane Marie, Quen of Sardinia Alexandre Louis, Duke of Valois Philipe Charles, Duke of Orlans lisabeth Charlote, Duches of Loraine Louis, Duke of Burgundy King Felipe of Spain Charles, Duke of Bery Louis, Duke of Orlans HRH Infanta Mara Teresa of Spain Franoise d'Aubign, Marchiones of Maintenon Louis, Dauphin of France Princes Ane lisabeth Princes Marie Ane Princes Marie Therse, Madame Royale Philipe Charles, Duke of Anjou Louis Franois, Duke of Anjou Charles Philipe Marie Ane, Princes of Conti Louis, Count of Vermandois Louis Auguste, Duke of Maine Louis Csar, Count of Vexin Louise Franoise, Princes of Cond Louise Marie Ane, Mademoisele de Tours Franoise Marie, Duches of Orlans Louis Alexandre, Count of Toulouse Louise, Barones of La Queue Louis, Duke of Burgundy King Felipe of Spain+ Charles, Duke of Bery Louis Auguste, Prince of Dombes Louis Charles, Count of Eu Louise Franoise, Mademoisele du Maine Louis Jean Marie, Duke of Penthivre Louis, Duke of Britany Louis, Duke of Britany Louis XV of France Louis I of Spain Felipe of Spain Felipe of Spain Ferdinand VI of Spain Charles I of Spain Francisco of Spain Mariana Vctoria, Quen of Portugal Philip, Duke of Parma Maria Teresa Rafaela, Dauphine of France Luis, Count of Chinchn Maria Antonieta, Quen of Sardinia X d'Alenon Charles, Duke of Alenon Marie Louise lisabeth d'Alenon Louis Alexandre, Prince of Lambale Marie Louise lisabeth, Duches of Parma Princes Henriete Ane Princes Marie Louise Louis, Dauphin of France Philipe, Duke of Anjou Marie Adlade, Duches of Louvois Princes Victoire Sophie, Duches of Louvois Princes Flicit Princes Louise Marie Princes Marie Therse, Madame Royale Princes Marie Zphyrine Louis, Duke of Burgundy Xavier, Duke of Aquitaine Louis XVI of France Louis XVI of France Charles X of France Clothilde, Quen of Sardinia Princes lisabeth Charles de Vintimile Agathe Louise de Saint-Antoine Philipe, Duke of Narbone-Lara Louis, Count of Narbone-Lara Marie Thrse, Duches of Angoulme Louis Joseph, Dauphin of France Louis XVI of France Princes Sophie Hlne Louis had no children; His uncle, future Louis XVI of France proclaimed himself regent but both titles were disputed. Louis Antoine, Duke of Angoulme Sophie, Mademoisele Charles Ferdinand, Duke of Bery Marie Thrse, Mademoisele d'Angoulme Princes Louise lisabeth Prince Louis Louise Marie Thrse, Duches of Parma Henri, Count of Chambord Notes: also an Infante or Infanta of Spain also an Archduches of Austria both Philip was the first Bourbon king of Spain, the country's present ruling house 8438, 89892, 936987 898, 92923 Henry IV 15891610 Louis XI 16101643 Louis XIV 16431715 Louis XV 1715174 Louis XVI 1741792 Louis XVI claimant, 17921795 First Empire 18041814, 1815 Napoleon I 18041814, 1815 Napoleon I 1815 Bourbon Restoration 1814, 18151830 Louis XVI 18141815, 18151824 Charles X 18241830 Louis XIX 1830 disputed Henry V 1830 disputed
inter ultra inter ultra in Bell gardens